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^ Copy attached <br />XPending action on: May 19, 2003 (indicated date this item is scheduled for action <br />^ Describe how services will be provided, type of contracts, fares, types of individuals and <br />trips to be served, eligibility rules and process, area served, hours of service. <br />^ If there will be more than one service component, describe each one separately. <br />^ Highlight any changes from existing services. <br />Response <br />In FY 2002-03, the City of San Leandro completed a Paratransit Master Plan Study which <br />included an extensive public outreach process. Following is a description of the proposed new <br />paratransit service as approved by the City Council on March 17, 2003. Staff will continue to <br />work with the advisory body and City Council, and the plan as described below may undergo <br />modifications as needed: <br />A. Flex-Route Shuttle: <br />Description -Flex-route shuttle service with formal bus stops at key locations in San Leandro <br />(retail, community centers, hospitals, transit centers.) Between each bus stop, the shuttle <br />operates as a limited demand response/dial-a-ride service. The shuttle has sufficient running <br />time to deviate into a residential neighborhood or to commercial areas for phone requested pick- <br />up and drop-offs. <br />Service Provider -Propose to contract with transportation service provider that will have <br />responsibility for booking and dispatch of demand response trip requests, fleet maintenance, <br />backup vehicle capacity, hiring, testing, training and supervision of drivers and dispatch staff, <br />and reporting. <br />Vehicles - (2) Shuttle Buses <br />Eligibility - ADA eligible and seniors <br />ERROR! DNKNOWN DOCUMENT PROPERTY NAME. <br />ERRORI UNKNOWN DOCUMENT PROPERTY NAME. <br />2 <br />Errorl Unknown document property name. <br />Errorl Unknown document property name. <br />