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AMENDMENT NO. 1 <br />TO AGREEMENT FOR THE JOINT USE OF JOHN MUIR OPEN SPACE SITE <br />THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 is made and entered into effective June _, 2003 as an <br />amendment to the Agreement Between City of San Leandro and San Leandro Unified School <br />District for the Joint Use of John Muir Open Space Site dated January 3, 2000 ("Agreement"), by <br />and between CITY OF 5AN LEANDRO ("City") and SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED SCHOOL <br />DISTRICT ("District") (together, the "Parties"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. The Parties entered into the Agreement to set forth the terms and conditions by <br />which the Parties jointly develop and maintain a community recreation facility at the John Muir <br />Open Space site for recreation activities and educational purposes; and <br />B. The Parties now desire to amend the Agreement to provide for the development <br />and maintenance of additional parking spaces serving the facility. <br />AGREEMENT <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants, City and District do <br />hereby agree as follows: <br />1. Construction of Additional Parking Spaces. Section 2 ("Constriction") of the <br />Agreement is hereby amended to add a new Paragraph C to read as follows: <br />"C. City has constructed thirty-five Parking Spaces along Leonard <br />Drive to serve the school Open Space Improvement where indicated on <br />Exhibit B hereto ("John Muir"). <br />2. Operation and Maintenance of Parkin~Spaces. Section 4 ("Operation and <br />Maintenance") of the Agreement is hereby amended to add a new Paragraph J to read as follows: <br />"J. At its own cost and expense, City shall maintain the Parking <br />Spaces described in Section 2(C) above in good order, and safe, sanitary <br />and clean condition. City hereby waives any right to make repairs to the <br />Parking Spaces at the expense of the District." <br />3. Exhibit B. Anew Exhibit B ("John Muir"), attached hereto, is hereby <br />incorporated into to the Agreement. <br />EREFORE, the Parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 1 on the "/ ~~' <br />day of ~ _, 2003. <br />