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EXHIBIT B <br />CALIFORNIA CONSERVATORY THEATER OF SAN LEANDRO <br />The Lessee shall: <br />Continue to perform a vital service to the community through the production of theatrical <br />performances throughout the term of the lease. Lessee shall specifically produce and <br />perform no less than fifty (50) live theatrical performances during each twelve (12) month <br />period of this lease. <br />2. Meet all conditions of any existing building leases and/or agreements between Lessee and <br />City. <br />Provide to City a report outlining the activities of the theater in sufficient detail to verify the <br />conditions of this Exhibit and terms of lease are being met. Said report shall be submitted <br />to the Business Development Manager or his/her designee on or before July 1 each year for <br />the year ending June 30. <br />G:\DEP'I~Office of Business Development\City Real Estate\CC'TVease 2003.doc <br />