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2.0 CITY AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />2.1 Design Team <br />Contractor has proposed the following architects and design consultants and sub- <br />consultants. <br />WINZLER AND KELLY CONSULTING ENGINEERS (Prime Contractor) <br />Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Structural Engineering <br />GOLDEN ASSOCIATES (DBE Subcontractor) <br />Landscape Architect <br />The Contractor shall be responsible to the City for the accuracy, quality and performance <br />of all subcontracted work; as well as to ensure coordination between all design <br />disciplines. Subcontractors may not be substituted without concurrence from the City. <br />The Contractor shall use qualified technicians and support staff for the production of <br />other functions to complete the work. The selected consultants must maintain auditable <br />records, documents and papers for inspection by authorized City /Federal representatives <br />for a minimum of three years after project completion. <br />2.2 Design Requirements <br />This project shall meet all applicable code requirements including, but not limited to the <br />2001 editions of the Uniform Building Code, California Building Code, National <br />Electrical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Mechanical Code; as well as <br />requirements of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, East Bay Municipal Utility <br />District, City of San Leandro standards, and all other affected agencies and utilities. <br />2.3 Format of Deliverables <br />All submittals and deliverables described below shall conform to the following: <br />• All construction drawings shall be provided to the City of San Leandro in <br />AutoCAD 2000 format. <br />• Specifications and other written materials shall be provided to the City and <br />prepared in Microsoft Word 2000 utilizing the 2003 Edition of the Standard <br />Specification for Public Works Construction ("Greenbook") standard <br />specification format. For proprietary items, contractor shall provide at least two <br />available products or brands as appropriate to comply with "or equal" <br />requirements. <br />• Details shall conform to the City of San Leandro Standard Plans where <br />applicable. <br />• Drawings shall be on City standard title block (22" x 34" size). <br />• Provide ten copies of all progress /review documents. Progress drawings shall be <br />on bond paper. Progress specifications shall be on double-sided 8.5 x 11 paper. <br />• Construction 1 bid drawings shall be submitted on signed vellum sheets. Sheets to <br />be signed by all applicable sub-consultants. (City will bid project and create/copy <br />bid package). <br />CSA-Winzler and Kelly Page 4 of 25 <br />West Estudillo/Historic Downtown Improvement Project No. 961-86-045 <br />