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(4) Pedestrian Generators -One point for each park, recreation facility or other <br />pubic facility that is a significant pedestrian generator within the neighborhood <br />boundary as determined by the traffic engineer. Elementary, middle and high <br />schools will be weighted double points in the category. (5 points maximum) <br />15.10.120 APPROVAL REQUIREMENT <br />(a) In order to ensuxe effective use of City resources, it is prudent to obtain resident <br />and property owner approval of any traffic calming measures. There are two <br />approval requirements for implementation and they are as follows: <br />1) Once a neighborhood is selected, the residents and the property owners must <br />approve of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program in general by a mail- <br />inballot. Approval is considered 67% positive responses with at least 50% of <br />the ballots being returned. <br />2) Once a final traffic calming plan is recommended, the residents and the <br />property owners must approve of the traffic calming plan by amail-in ballot. <br />Approval is 67% positive responses with at least 50% of the ballots being <br />returned. <br />Introduced by Council Member Stephens and passed and adopted <br />this 7th day of July 2003, by the following called vote. <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Badger, Grant, Nardine, Santos, Stephens; <br />Mayor Young (6) <br />NOES: None (0 ) <br />ABSENT: Cauncilmember Glaze (1) <br />Attest: <br />Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />