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provided herein or personnel employed in the administration of the program far political <br />activities; sectarian, or religious activities; lobbying, political patronage, and nepotism <br />activities. <br />(2) OSHA. Where employees are engaged in activities not covered <br />under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, they shall not be required or <br />permitted to work, be trained, or receive services in buildings or surroundings or under <br />working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to the participants;' <br />health or safety. <br />d. "Section 3" Clause <br />(1) Compliance. Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, the <br />regulations set forth in 24 CFR 135, and all applicable rules and orders issued <br />hereunder prior to the execution of this contract and binding upon the City of San <br />Leandro, the Subrecipient and any sub-Subrecipients. Failure to fulfill these <br />requirements shall subject the City of San Leandro, the Subrecipient and any sub- <br />Subrecipients, their successors and assigns, to those sanctions specified by the <br />agreement through which federal assistance is provided. The Subrecipient certifies and <br />agrees that no contractual or other disability exists which would prevent compliance <br />with these requirements. <br />The Subrecipient further agrees to comply with these "Section 3" requirements <br />and to include the following language in all subcontracts executed under this <br />agreement: <br />The work to be performed under this contract is a project assisted under a <br />program providing direct federal financial assistance from HUD and is subject to <br />the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of <br />1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701. Section 3 requires that to the greatest <br />extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given to lower <br />income residents of the project area and contracts for work in connection with <br />the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in <br />substantial part by persons residing in the areas of the project." <br />The Subrecipient certifies and agrees that no contractual or other disability exists <br />which would prevent compliance with the requirements. <br />(2) Notifications. The Subrecipient agrees to send to each labor <br />organization or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining <br />agreement or other contract or understanding, if any, a notice advising said labor <br />organization or worker's representative of its commitments under this Section 3 clause <br />and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and <br />applicants for employment or training. <br />5 <br />