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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />2003-2004 DMMS Dredged Material Removal and Disposal <br />CEQA AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING SERVICES <br />Following is the scope of services for preparing a CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration, Findings, <br />and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, as well as to assist the City in obtaining <br />permits and approvals from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Corps of Engineers, <br />U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and California Department of Fish and Game, as appropriate, to <br />facilitate the removal of dredged sediments within the San Leandro Dredged Material Management <br />Site {DMMS) and their disposal at a placement site. <br />TASK 1-Prepare Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />Contractor will complete a Negative Declaration (ND) and Initial Study (IS) for the project in <br />accordance with State and City of San Leandro CEQA guidelines. The ND/IS will focus on the <br />issues of truck traffic, noise, air quality, and wetlands. Approximately 120,000 to 160,000 cubic <br />yards of dried dredge material would be removed from the DMMS and transported by truck to <br />East Bay Regional Parks District's (EBRPD) Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline landfill. <br />Contractor will prepare five copies of an administrative draft ND/IS for City review. Following <br />receipt of all comments on the administrative draft, Contractor will make the necessary changes <br />and produce up to seventy five (75) copies of the ND for public review. Contractor will also <br />assume responsibility for delivery of the necessary copies (15) to the State Clearinghouse. <br />Following receipt of all written public and agency comments submitted on the ND/IS, Contractor <br />will prepare written responses for review by the City prior to their action to certify the CEQA <br />document. Contactor's project manager maybe required to attend one City Council meeting to <br />make a presentation and/or answer any questions about the ND/IS. <br />TASK 2 -Prepare CEQA Findings <br />Contractor will prepare Mitigated ND Findings in accordance with Section 15091 of the CEQA <br />Guidelines. The Findings will identify all potentially significant environmental. impacts and <br />describe in detail the mitigation features incorporated into the sediment removal project to <br />reduce these impacts to insignificance. Contractor's staff will also assist the City in drafting the <br />necessary resolutions implementing the project, if necessary. <br />Contractual Services Agreement Page 3 of 15 <br />Revised 5-02 2003-200A DMMS Dredged Material Removal and Disposal Project No. 597-57-004 <br />