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taken, confiscated, shifted, diverted or otherwise used to fund state government operations and <br />responsibilities; and <br />RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Council and staff are authorized to provide <br />impartial informational materials on the initiative as may be lawfully provided by the city's <br />representatives. No public funds shall be used to campaign for or against the initiative; and <br />RESOLVED FURTHER, that the residents of the City are encouraged to become well <br />informed on the initiative and its possible impacts on the critical local services on which they rely; <br />and <br />RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Manager is hereby directed to send a copy to the <br />Executive Director of the League of California Cities. <br />Introduced by Council Member G 1 a z e and passed and adopted this <br />6th day of 0 c t , 2003 by the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Badger, Glaze, Grant, Nardine, Santos, Stephens; <br />Mayor Young (7) <br />NOES: None (0 ) <br />ABSENT: None (0 ) <br />ATTEST: I~ <br />Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />