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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />PURPOSE <br />The purpose of the Bikeway and Pedestrian Plan ("Plan") is to update the 1997 Bikeway Plan of <br />the Circulation Element. This update will add a pedestrian component to the Bikeway Plan to <br />provide a comprehensive and current set of policies, data and programs for pedestrian and <br />bicycle facility improvement and development within the City. The pedestrian components will <br />include a summary of proposed pedestrian improvements proposed in other City planning <br />documents such as the E. 14`" Street South Area Plan, the MacArthur Boulevard Streetscape Plan <br />and the Marina Connections Plan. A comprehensive, updated Plan is also a fundamental <br />component for competing for and securing grants and other funding to implement the City's <br />goals and priorities for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. <br />OBJECTIVES <br />The primary objectives of the Bikeway and Pedestrian Plan are: <br />• Update and amend current goals, policies and programs regarding bicycle and pedestrian <br />access and safety. <br />• Meet the requirement of the California Bicycle Transportation Act as outlined in the Streets <br />and Highways Code Sections 890-894.2 regarding the contents of bicycle transportation <br />plans. <br />• Meet the requirements of current bicycle and pedestrian grant programs. <br />• Identify a comprehensive network of existing and planned bikeways and trails for <br />transportation and recreation purposes. <br />• Identify areas ofhigh-levels of pedestrian activity where pedestrian improvements can be <br />identified. <br />• Develop a description of all proposed facilities, including cross-sections, right-of--way width <br />needed, estimated cost, agency coordination needed, ownership, proposed street crossings, <br />etc. <br />• Prioritize proposed projects into short-term and long-term timeframes with high, medium and <br />low priorities. <br />• Identify funding sources and strategies for implementation of the proposed projects. <br />Specifically, develop a strategy for the use of Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian "pass-thru" <br />funds. <br />• Develop an easy to read convenient bicycle user map of the city's trails and bikeways for <br />distribution to the public. <br />Contractual Services Agreement Page 3 of 20 <br />Revised 5-02 <br />