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c) Existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Programs -The City will provide a description of <br />bicycle and pedestrian safety programs implemented in the City; <br />d) Recommendations for Improvements -The Consultant will make recommendations for <br />improvements to San Leandro's Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program and for <br />additional programs. <br />6) Implementation <br />a) Prioritized List of Proiects -There will be two prioritized project lists, one with a <br />pedestrian emphasis and the other with a bicycle emphasis. The prioritized lists will be <br />submitted to ACTIA to qualify for Measure B funding. This list will be updated on a <br />regular basis. With input from City staff, the Consultant will discuss and develop a <br />prioritized list of projects by: <br />i) Developing prioritization criteria for proposed projects and using this criteria to <br />develop a list of high, medium and low prioritized projects; and <br />ii) Identifying available funding sources for the implementation of proposed high <br />priority projects. <br />b) Strategy for Funding -The Consultant will develop a strategy for matching high priority <br />projects with appropriate funding sources. This will be displayed in a spreadsheet format <br />that includes the estimated cost of the project and the amount of funding that maybe <br />available. <br />7) Trails and Bikeways User Map <br />The Consultant will develop a user friendly, easy to read user map that will indicate <br />suitability ratings and the location of all trails and bikeways, as well as support facilities (i.e. <br />bicycle parking) and recreation and activity centers. This map will be distributed to the public as <br />a guide to local trails and bikeways. <br />a) One side of the map will have the locations of the trails and bikeways and while the other <br />side of the map will have educational tips regarding bicycle safety and rules, and other <br />pertinent information to be determined by City staff and the Consultant. <br />8) Meetings <br />The Consultant will be required to attend meetings as follows: <br />a) Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) -Approximately 3 meetings <br />i) This Committee will be appointed by the City Council to guide the development of <br />the Plan. The Consultant will conduct the public meetings. A primary purpose of <br />these meetings is to help identify needed facilities and priorities. The Consultant will <br />provide support materials. The City will reproduce and distribute an agenda, related <br />materials and public notices. <br />b) Staff Project Manager -Approximately 3 Meetings <br />Contractual Services Agreement Page 7 of 20 <br />Revised 5-02 <br />