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presentation. Contractor shall prepare minutes of the meetings. These meetings are <br />assumed to occur at the same time as meetings for the Downtown Area Project. <br />3.5 Design Management <br />Contractor shall provide overall project management and maintain effective <br />communications with City staff throughout the duration of this phase. Within the first <br />week following contract Notice To Proceed Contractor shall prepare a Project Work Plan <br />that outlines the Contractor's approach, schedule, and identified deliverables. The Work <br />Plan shall be distributed to the project team and our client representative. <br />The Contractor's project manager shall hold a Design Concept Review meeting. This <br />brainstorming session shall involve the Contractor's project team and in-house <br />constructability specialists, and City staff. The Design Concept Review shall discuss the <br />project approach, identify critical issues, and suggest alternative solutions as appropriate <br />that provide enhanced function or reduced cost. <br />With each monthly invoice, Contractor shall provide a project status report that updates <br />the schedule, outlines work completed, and budget expenditures. This status report <br />allows the Contractor's project manager and City representative to identify and resolve <br />schedule or budget issues early. <br />Deliverables: Project Work Plan, Monthly Status Reports <br />4.0 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS /DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (30% Submittal) <br />4.1 Verify Existing Site Conditions <br />Contractor will field check Topographic Survey Map provided by the City's Surveying <br />Consultant. Provided survey to contain the following data: <br />• Spat elevations to hundredths of a foot at all building entrances (where streetscape <br />work required), building corners, tops of curbs, gutter grades, drainage inlet <br />grades, utility vaults, and other similar features. <br />• Horizontal positions of all curbs, gutter, and vaults sizes and orientation, tree <br />sizes, valve boxes, control monuments, walls, utilities, and utility boxes. <br />• Underground vaults that have manhole covers will have the exterior limits of <br />vaults dashed and shown. <br />• Electronic files will be expected to have all grade breaks defined such that cross <br />sections when generated show the true field condition. <br />Contractor shall field review as-built drawings in the field to determine if horizontal <br />position of all utilities with in the street and sidewalk section are properly shown. <br />CSA-Winzler and Kelly Page 7 of 28 <br />Davis St/East 14~' St Lighting and Pedestrian Enhancements Project No. 962-83-062 <br />