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Handbooks, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board's Erosion and Sediment Control <br />Field Manual. <br />15. The Applicant is also responsible for ensuring that all contractors and subcontractors are <br />aware of and implement all stormwater quality measures. Failure to comply with the <br />approved construction BMPs shall result in the issuance of correction notices, citations <br />and/or a project stop order. <br />16. Until such time as all construction for the development has been completed to the satisfaction <br />of the City Engineer, the Applicant shall provide current Erosion & Sediment Control Plans, <br />and amended Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for all portions of the site <br />where construction is ongoing. Said Plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review <br />and approval on or before September 1 of each calendar year, and shall be fully implemented <br />on or before October 15 of each calendar year. <br />17. The Urban Runoff Clean Water Program requires that all runoff must be treated to remove <br />sediment and water borne pollutants prior to discharge into a public facility. If filtration type <br />catch basins are used, it is the responsibility of the Applicant/Owner to regularly inspect and <br />maintain the filtration systems. Such inspection and maintenance shall include replacing the <br />inlet filters a minimum of two times each calendar year. <br />18. All on-site storm drain inlets must be labeled "No dumping -Drains to Bay" or equivalent <br />using methods approved by the City or County. All on-site storm drains must be cleaned at <br />least twice a year and immediately prior to the rainy season. Additional cleaning may be <br />required by the City Engineer. <br />19. On site EBIVIUD street fire hydrants with minimum fire flow and spacing in accordance with <br />the San Leandro Uniform Code will be required. Prior to installation, the Fire Department <br />shall approve the location of the fire hydrants. A water supply shall be in place prior to <br />combustible material being moved into any phase of the project. <br />20. Design review fees, development impact fees, permit fees, inspection fees, and any other fees <br />charged by the City or other reviewing agencies for the review, approval, permitting and <br />inspection of the above listed public improvements shall be paid by the Applicant. <br />21. Remove and replace any broken sidewalk, curb and gutter along the frontage of the property. <br />22. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department for any work within the public right-of way. <br />Date: /4 Z3 3 <br />Ke eth oseph, P.E., City Engineer <br />R.C.E. No. 34870 <br />