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Task VL3: Prepare Preliminary Design Development Plans <br />This task will include preparation of DD Plans for the project at a scale of 1" = 20'. Drawings <br />will show the proposed layout for removal and replacement of existing curb and gutter, sidewalk <br />reconstruction, proposed sidewalks, wheel chair ramps at intersection returns, pedestrian <br />crosswalk treatments, existing storm drain system modifications, planting and irrigation, street <br />furnishings, and street and pedestrian lighting. Proposed layout will be in accordance with City <br />of San Leandro Standards. <br />Task VII Construction Cost Estimate <br />Based on the Preliminary DD documents, the Contractor will prepare a Preliminary Engineers <br />Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. <br />Task VIL1: Preliminary Cost Estimate <br />The Contractor will prepare one preliminary engineer's opinion of probable construction cost <br />based on the preliminary DD plan. <br />Task VIL2: Final Cost Estimate <br />The Contractor will finalize the engineer's opinion of probable construction cost based on the <br />final DD plan approved by the City. <br />Task VIII Final Concept Plans <br />The Consultant will revise the Design Development based on the City's review of the <br />Preliminary DD documents, and will prepare final DD documents. <br />Tasl~ IX Presentation Drawings <br />The Consultant will prepare color Design Development Presentation Drawings that depict the <br />character of the final concept plan and that will be suitable for presentation to the public and <br />review agencies. Three plan drawings at a scale of 1 "=40' and three section drawings at a scale <br />of 1 "=20' will be prepared. Presentation media will be determined in consultation with the City <br />staff. <br />Schedule: <br />The scope of work assumes a total project duration of approximately 6 months from Notice to <br />Proceed. <br />Deliverables: <br />Upon completion and approval of all DD documents, the Contractor will provide the following: <br />• One set of origina124" x 36" plots (prints) of Design Development plans. <br />• One set of color presentation drawings, size to be determined in consultation with the City <br />staff. <br />• Electronic files for the Design Development plans, formatted to operate on AutoCAD <br />Release 2000. <br />• Final Cost Estimate <br />Contractual Services Agreement Page 5 of 19 <br />Monarch Bay Drive/Fairway Drive to Manna Boulevard Project No. 120-38-243 <br />