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~~ <br />Amendment No. 1 <br />r,. ~' , <br />r .. <br />~. ~ .. v <br />To Agreement Between the ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND <br />WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT and the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />The Agreement dated for reference August 8, 1995, by and between the ALAMEDA <br />COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, through its duly <br />authorized representative, referred to as the DISTRICT, alid the CITY OF SAN LE.~NDRO, ~ <br />through its duly authorized representatives, referred to as the CITY, is hereby amended as <br />follows: ""~° <br />I. RECITALS <br />The COUNTY and the CITY entered into an agreement, executed by the CITY on May <br />15, 1995 (City Resolution No. 95-87), and executed by the DISTRICT on August 8, 1995 <br />(County Resolution No. R-96-56, Contract No. C-96-57) ("Agreement") whereby, the DISTRICT <br />will accept and maintain the Storm Water Lift Station and Detention Pond (SWLSDP) <br />constructed in conjunction with Tracts 6636 and 6648 and other considerations, and whereby, the <br />CITY will annually remit funds to the DISTRICT for the operation and maintenance and long <br />term capital replacement fund of the SWLSDP and additional funds as needed for the <br />maintenance of the Detention Facility, and other considerations. <br />II. AMENDMENT <br />The Parties hereby agree to modify the Agreement to include the Storm Water Detention <br />Pond 2 facility built in accordance with the improvement plans for Tract 6809. The City shall <br />deposit na later than June 1st of each year an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 for operation and <br />maintenance of the facilities for that year, if any. The amount of the estimate shall be furnished <br />to the City pursuant to Paragraph No. 3 under the District's obligations under the Agreement. <br />Any request by the District to increase in the not-to-exceed amount set forth in this section shall <br />be governed by the provisions of this same Paragraph 3 of the Agreement. <br />All remaining provisions of the subject agreement shall remain in full force and effect. <br />III. EXECUTION <br />Il~T WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, thereunto duly authorized have executed <br />this modification of agreement as of the day and year first above written. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />a <br />By: <br />President, Board of Supervisors <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />~--° <br />erinanis, City Manager <br /> <br />