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COOPERATIVE FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO: <br />CONSTRUCTION OF SAN LEANDRO SLOUGH BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE AND <br />IMPORT OF FILL TO OYSTER BAY REGIONAL PARK, SAN LEANDRO, CA. <br />This Agreement made and entered into on the i ~t~~ day of ~~t Ct'"~"Yt~~.~ ~, 2003, by and between <br />the East Bay Regional Park District, hereinafter referred to as "EBRPD" and the City of San Leandro, <br />hereinafter referred to as "CITY". <br />WITNESSETH <br />WHEREAS, CITY commissioned AGS, Inc. of San Francisco, CA to prepare a feasibility <br />study, entitled "Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge San Francisco Bay Trail", dated March 2002, for the <br />construction of a bridge across the slough north of Oyster Bay Regional Park and a trail alignment, <br />north of the slough, to connect this bridge with the Bay Trail segment constructed within the City of <br />Oakland by the Port of Oakland, hereinafter referred to as the "TRAIL PROJECT"; and <br />WHEREAS, EBRPD has completion of the TRAIL PROJECT on its Regional Trails Master <br />Plan, but does not have the funds or expertise to maintain and operate the TRAIL PROJECT if it is <br />completed; and <br />WHEREAS, CITY currently has approximately 100,000 cubic yards of dredge spoils <br />obtained from its marina which need to be removed from an upland storage area (Dredged Material <br />Management Site) and disposed ofoff--site in a legal and appropriate manner, hereinafter referred to <br />as the "REMOVAL PROJECT"; and <br />WHEREAS, EBRPD has an ongoing program to place "suitable fill" (defined as "clean fill" <br />per Attachment A) at Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline, to reclaim this former landfill site for <br />development into a regional park, hereinafter referred to as the "FILL PROGRAM"; and <br />WHEREAS, CITY and EBRPD mutually desire to cooperate in completing the TRAIL <br />PROJECT and the REMOVAL PROJECT and to specify herein the terms and conditions under <br />which said TRAIL PROJECT and REMOVAL PROTECT will be implemented. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: <br />EBRPD AGREES: <br />SECTION I <br />(1) To jointly pursue and apply for grants of funds for the construction of the TRAIL <br />PROJECT. <br />(2) To act as Lead Agency in environmental issues through the preparation and filing of <br />necessary environmental documents to secure regulatory permits necessary for <br />construction of the TRAIL PROJECT by the CITY. <br />Page 1 of 8 <br />