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Contractor's Right of Entry - 07/30/01 Folder NO.: 2151-3 8 <br />Form Approved - AVP Law <br />B. The Contractor shall coordinate all of its work with the following Railroad representative or his or her duly <br />authorized representative (the "Railroad Representative"): <br />Bill Ward <br />Mgr Track Maintenance <br />Union Pacific Railroad Co <br />37847 Shinn St <br />Fremont CA 94536 <br />Tel: (209) 942-5274 <br />Fax: (209) 942-5258 <br />C. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall adequately police and supervise all work to be performed by the <br />Contractor and shall ensure that such work is performed in a safe manner as set forth in Section 7 of Exhibit B. The <br />responsibility of the Contractor for safe conduct and adequate policing and supervision of the Contractor's work <br />shall not be ]essened or otherwise affected by the Railroad's approval of plans and specifications involving the work, <br />or by the Railroad's collaboration in performance of any work, or by the presence at the work site of the Railroad <br />Representative, or by compliance by the Contractor with any requests or recommendations made by the Railroad <br />Representative. <br />ARTICLE 5 - TERM; TERMINATION. <br />A. The grant of right herein made to Contractor shall commence on the date of this agreement, and continue <br />until ,unless sooner terminated as herein provided, or at such time as Contractor has <br />(Termination Date) <br />completed its work on Railroad's property, whichever is earlier. Contractor agrees to notify the Railroad <br />Representative in writing when it has completed its work on Railroad property. <br />B. This agreement may be terminated by either party on ten (10) days written notice to the other party. <br />ARTICLE 6 - CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. <br />A. Before commencing any work, Contractor will provide Railroad with the insurance binders, policies, <br />certificates and/or endorsements set forth in Exhibit C of this agreement. <br />B. All insurance correspondence, binders, policies, certificates and/or endorsements shall be directed to: <br />Union Pacific Railroad Company <br />1800 Farnam Street <br />Omaha NE 68102 <br />Attn.: Director Contracts <br />Folder No.: 2151-~ 8 <br />ARTICLE 7 - DISMISSAL OF CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE. <br />At the request of Railroad, Contractor shall remove from Railroad property any employee of Contractor or <br />any subcontractor who fails to conform to the instructions of the Railroad Representative in connection with the <br />work on Railroad's property, and any right of Contractor shall be suspended until such removal has occurred. <br />Contractor shall indemnify Railroad against any claims arising from the removal of any such employee from <br />Railroad property. <br />ARTICLE 8 - ADMINISTRATIVE FEE. <br />Contractor shall pay to Railroad FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) as reimbursement for clerical, <br />administrative and handling expenses in connection with the processing of this agreement. <br />2151-38 Ciry of San Leandro, CA page 2 March 3, 2003 <br />Alvarado Street <br />