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SECTION II. EXISTING NON-DISPOSAL FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />SAN LEANDRO USED TO IMPLEMENT SRRE PROGRAMS <br />This facility has a solid waste facility permit. <br />FACILITY NAME, TYPE AND ADDRESS: <br />Davis Street Station for Material Recycling and Transfer (SMaRT) <br />2615 Davis Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />SWIS# O1-AA-0007 <br />This facility is a transfer station for municipal solid waste and a processing facility for various <br />recyclables received from businesses, curbside programs, and the drop-off and buy-back center. <br />Curbside recyclables collected from local communities are processed on site. The SMaRT <br />Recycling Center offers buyback and drop-off services for cans, bottles, and paper. The Convenience <br />Area for Recycling (C.A.R.E.) Center offers bulky goods recycling for major appliances, clean <br />filUdirt, scrap metal, concrete, porcelain toilets and sinks, and foam carpet pad. The Reuse People, a <br />non-profit de-construction company and reuse retailer, is located onsite. There is a waste oil <br />collection center for used motor oil. Yard materials and wood waste are collected and processed. <br />Some of this material is sent off-site for composting. There is an on-site tire recycling and crumb <br />rubber factory operated by Bay Area Tire Recycling. A 100-ton per day mini-MRF facility is on-site <br />for processing dry, mixed roll-off and self-haul loads to recover wood, metal, and cardboard. Anew <br />Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris MRF is under construction and is expected to process <br />approximately 1000 tons per day. <br />TYPE OF MATERIALS ACCEPTED FOR DIVERSION FROM LANDFILL/ <br />TRANSFORMATION: <br />Cardboard Wood/tree trunks/logs Appliances <br />Newspaper Clean filUdirt C&D Debris <br />Mixed paper Porcelain toilets and sinks Tires <br />Glass Metal cans and scrap metal Foam carpet pad and carpet <br />Plastics Yard materials Used motor oil <br />LAND USE DESIGNATION: <br />The facility is zoned I2 General Industrial. <br />LAND USE PERMIT STATUS: <br />The facility is currently operating under Conditional Use Permit #CU-96-1 Modified. <br />FACILITY SIZE: (per Land Use Permit) <br />The facility is 53 acres. <br />MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF FACILITY: (per Land Use Permit) <br />The maximum capacity at the facility is not to exceed 5,600 tons per day, based on the 1998 permit. <br />