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and approval of the City Engineer and shall be constructed as part of the <br />Subdivision improvements. <br />2. City facilities proposed to be utilized by the project eventually flow to the <br />existing sewers in Davis Street. The City's Sanitary Sewer System <br />Capability Study and Master Plan (1995) has identified capacity <br />deficiencies in the existing sewers in Davis Street. Prior to approval of the <br />Final Map, the developer shall pay his fair share of the costs to upgrade the <br />existing sewers in Davis Street and further downstream, as determined by <br />the City Engineer. <br />G. UNDERGROUNDING OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES <br />1. The developer shall place all utility services for the project underground. <br />H. FEES AND DEPOSITS <br />I. Design review fees, development impact fees, permit fees, inspection fees, <br />and any other fees charged by the City or other reviewing agencies for the <br />review, approval, permitting and inspection of the above listed public <br />improvements shall be paid by the developer. <br />2. Prior to approval of each Final Map, the developer shall enter into a <br />Subdivision Improvement Agreement for that Final Map and shall post <br />security and insurance in the amounts and forms acceptable to the City <br />Engineer. <br />3. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the developer shall pay Development <br />Fee for Street Improvement (DFSI) as determined by the City <br />Transportation Administrator, and Parkland-in-lieu fees (see condition I-1) <br />as determined by the City Engineer. The Transportation Administrator has <br />determined that the DFSI for this development shall be five thousand four <br />hundred dollars ($5,400). <br />I. PARKS AND LANDSCAPING <br />1. The developer shall pay Parkland-in-lieu fees in accordance with the <br />Standards of Section 7-1-800, et seq. San Leandro Municipal Code. <br />2. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the developer shall prepare a <br />landscaping and irrigation plan for review and approval by the Community <br />Development Department and the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department. The landscape plan shall include species, size, quantities and <br />location and shall incorporate the proposed street trees along the project <br />frontage. All landscaping shall be designed with efficient irrigation <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />