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3. Set up an appropriate system of accounts to keep separate accounting and reporting for <br />each type of Measure B fund to be received. The accounting system shall provide <br />adequate internal controls and audit trails to facilitate an annual compliance audit for <br />each fund type and respective usage and application. <br />4. Submit to ACTIA, on an annual basis and at CITY's expense, an independent <br />compliance audit of the funds received and used, including plans and reports of <br />expenditures. The annual compliance audit is to be completed, certified and provided <br />to ACTIA within 180 days following the close of each fiscal year. <br />5. Along with the annual compliance audits and reports, provide ACTIA with the <br />certified number of maintained road miles within CITY's jurisdiction, which shall be <br />consistent with the miles reported to state and federal agencies. The certified <br />maintained road miles shall be used in the updated Measure B sales tax revenue <br />allocation formula for distributing Measure B funds and the new mileage shall be <br />reflected in the distributions at the start of each new fiscal year (i.e., each July 1). <br />CITY shall provide ACTIA with the annual certified number of maintained road miles <br />each fiscal year even if there were no changes in the number of miles for the fiscal <br />year. <br />6. In the event CITY's expenditures in a fiscal year are less than the amount the CITY <br />has received, explain why the revenues exceeded expenditures and what the CITY <br />intends to do with the increased reserve. <br />7. Agree to the formula used in the allocation of the Measure B sales tax revenues as <br />reflected in the ballot measure and Plan, and agree to the use of the State Department <br />of Finance Estimates of Population figures (Report E-1, updated each May) for <br />C:ATEMP~ACTIA-CITY-San Leandroagree.doc Page 4 of ll <br />