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C <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AGENCY <br />TRANSPORTATION FUND FOR CLEAN AIR (TFCA) <br />APPENDIX B <br />TIlvIELY USE OF FUNDS POLICY <br />The enabling legislation requires project sponsors to encumber and expend funds within two (2) <br />years, unless a time extension has been granted. To ensure a timely use of funds, the following <br />timelines will be imposed for each program year: <br />1. Within two (2) months of receipt of funds from the Air District, the CMA will send out <br />fund transfer agreements to each project sponsor. <br />2. Project sponsors must execute a fund transfer agreement with the CMA within three (3) <br />months of receipt of an agreement from the CMA. The executed fiand transfer agreement <br />must contain an expenditure plan for implementation of the project. <br />3. Project sponsors must initiate implementation of a project within three (3) months of the <br />date of receipt of the executed fund transfer agreement from the CMA, unless an extended <br />schedule has been approved in advance by the CMA. <br />4. Funds must be expended within two (2) years from the date of the first receipt of funds by <br />the CMA from the Air District, unless an extension has been approved by the CMA Board. <br />5, Sponsors must submit requests for reimbursement at least once per fiscal year. Requests <br />must be submitted within sixty (60) days after the end of the fiscal year, defined as the <br />period from July 1 to June 30. <br />6. Sponsors must submit annual progress reports within the period established by the Air <br />District. <br />7. Sponsors must submit required post-project monitoring reports within three (3) months <br />after the post-project evaluation period. <br />Any sponsor that does not comply with any of the above requirements within the established time <br />frames will be given written notice from the CMA that they have sixty (60) days in which to <br />comply. Failure to comply within sixty (60) days will result in the reprogramming of the funds <br />allocated to that project, and the project sponsor will not be permitted to apply for new projects <br />until the sponsor has demonstrated to the CMA that steps have been taken to avoid future <br />violations of this policy. <br />