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EXHIBIT C <br />FACILIT[ES AND EQUIPI~'[ENT <br />City shall furnish physical f~lcilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference space, <br />as may be reasonably necessary for Contractor's use while consulting ~~~ith City employees and <br />re~~ie~~~in~~ records and the information in possession of City. The location, quantity, and tin~c of <br />fru~nishin~~ said physical facilities shall be in the solr discretion ut~City. [n na e~~cnt shall City bo <br />obli~~atud to furnish any fi~lcility ~~~hich ma~~ in~~ol~~e incun-in~~ any direct expense, includin~~, but <br />not limitin~~ the generality of this exclusion. lung-distance telephone or other communication <br />char;~es, vehicles, and reproduction facilities. <br />Exhibit C Page 1 of I <br />320/324 West Estudillo Building RenovaCion <br />