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11/18/01 16:03 FAX 408 286 4813 SC CO LABOR RELATIONS <br />Z <br />3. riethod. Tire method of implementing the above purposes and executiny the <br />above powers is to pzovide employee relations services in accordance with <br />the terms and conditions hereof through staff .snd facilities of the <br />County of Santa Clara, hereinafter referred to as "County". By this <br />agreement the parties do not create an agency yr entity separate from the <br />parties themselves. <br />4. Present and Additional Parties. The public agencies executing this <br />agrezrtent bt and through their respective authorized agents (Present <br />Parties) shall envoy the rights and perfozm the duties urescribed by the <br />terms and conditions hereof,` Other public agencies subsequently added to <br />this agreemeat in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof (Ac1dz- <br />tional, Parties) shall become and be parties to this agreement on the <br />effective date of such addition and shall thereaftEr enjoy tt~e rights, and <br />Perform the duties required in accordance with the terms any conditions <br />hereof. The word "parties" as used itr this agreement is intended to be <br />s,~nonymus with the terms "member" and "membershig° . <br />01003 <br />5. Tern. Irrespective of t,~ie date or dates Uf execution hereof b!~ present <br />or additional parties, the term of this agreement shall cvmmencn July l~ <br />1985 and shall be autorr~tically renewed on July 1 of each succeeding fis- <br />cal year. •- <br />A party intending to terminate membership itl the succeeding fiscal year <br />shall give written notice to that effect by flay l5, .All parties shall be <br />provided advance notice in writing of the pending deadline for terr•,iina- <br />tion no later than April l5. <br />The above provisions shall not apply to any party whose iec3islative 1.~ody <br />takes official action after May ~„5~ to terminate participation under this <br />agreement Eor the succeeding z"fiscal year. Notics of any such action <br />shall be transmitted ley the party to County Y~ithin teti (lU) days of the <br />date un which it was taken, <br />Asiy termination ~f this type occurring after <br />JAY 1 shall cause the terminating party to remit to County c prorated <br />fee for basic services for the subject fiscal year, This amount shall ~ <br />based upon the party's C.:rrent £ee as determines in accordance with Sec- <br />tion 7 0£ this 3yreeT~nt and the total, number of days elapsing Erorn <br />