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11/19/01 16:03 FAg 408 286 4813 SC CO LABOR RELATIONS <br />5 <br />C~ 006 <br />- e) In order to expedite the conduct of business not requiring a meeting ' <br />of the full Executive Board, the Board may delegate its powers to a <br />management conpnittee. Excepted from this delegation of powers is the <br />authority to: <br />1) Adopt the budget, <br />2) Make changes in services or the =ee schedule, <br />3) Obligate the parties,financiaJ,ly in any way. <br />4) select the Chairman, vice-Chairman and members of such management <br />cocARi ttee. <br />These powers shall be exercised only by the Executive Board, ' <br />7, Fee Schedule for Basic and Special Services. The Executive Board shall <br />set fees for basic services }cased upon number of employees, number of <br />'~ employee orgsniaations and such other ;Factors as the Executive Board <br />deems necessary. The Boa_*d shall also set £ees fir special services as - <br />necessary. Such actions of the Executive Board shall be final and <br />binding. <br />Where an action of the Executive Board serves to modify the fee scheduie <br />fvr basic services during a fisc$1 year, a member nay withdraw membership <br />within thirty (3Q) days from the effective date of the tr~dification. •:'he <br />member shall provide writterx notice to this effect to the County and <br />shall be provided a pro rata refund of the fee for F~asic services paid by <br />that agency for the fiscal year, ;his refund small be llased upon the <br />number of calendar days re.~aining in the current fiscal year. This peri- <br />od for withdrawal shall be in addition to those set forth in Section 5 of <br />this agreement. <br />6. Coranitrient and Limitation of Funcs. Each party shall pay a minimum can- <br />'~ tribution under tzis agree.;,ent ecu31 tv the fee for basic services estalr <br />`~ lished pursuant to Section 7. No party kiereto shall ~ charged yr liable <br />