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(7) The District will. make available at least one copy of authorized textbooks used in <br />the K-6 Curriculumo <br />(8) The District will communicate with Library staff regarding class homework <br />assignments and coordinate library reserves of limited materials. <br />(9) The District will provide communications to the parents and community regarding <br />services available at the Manor Branch Library through "district and school <br />newsletters and the district web site. <br />B. The City of San Leandro <br />(1) The City shall make available to public and student clientele current and up-to-date <br />Library technology resources including access to the Internet and paid subscription- <br />based electronic learning databases. <br />(2) The City shall provide educational software and CD-ROMs to improve reading, <br />writing, computer, and language literacy activities. <br />(3) The City shall provide amulti-functional classroom space to accommodate a <br />combination Computer Center, Homework Center, and Family Literacy Center at <br />the Manor Branch Library. <br />(4) The City shall furnish the multi-functional classroom space with physical facilities <br />such as desks, chairs, computers, video projection unit, screen, white boards, <br />telephone, etc. <br />(5) The City shall provide portable laptop computers that will be used to link students <br />to San Leandro Unified School District recommended Internet sites. <br />(6) The City shall provide specialized print and electronic resource collections in <br />response to curriculum needs, including designated computer time for student <br />homework needs. <br />(7) The City shall train school District professional, para-professional staff, students, <br />parents, and caregivers in a range of computer literacy classes covering introductory <br />and advanced skill levels. These will include, but not limited to, the use of the <br />Library electronic catalog, basic computer skills, introduction to the Internet, and <br />use of specialized library databases. <br />(8) The City shall staff the homework center after school with high school students and <br />recruited by the District and submit progress reports and solicit input from teachers <br />and parents of children registered at the Homework Center. <br />5 <br />