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<br />a <br />14. On November 23, 2001, a notice of completion was issued and the Draft EIR <br />was circulated, consistent with the CEQA's 45-day review period, for public review from <br />November 25, 2001 to January 8, 2002. The Planning Commission continued to accept <br />public comments through January 10, 2002. The Draft General Plan and the Draft EIR <br />were made available for review at City Hall and at the San Leandro Library. <br />15. The Draft EIR identified two significant unavoidable environmental impacts <br />of the General Plan Update: 1) The potential for unacceptable levels of service on some <br />local roadway, highway, and freeway segments; and 2) potential additional air emissions <br />due to a larger number of jobs than assumed in the Regional Clean Air Plan, with the <br />resulting additional commutes and congestions possibly leading to a delay in attaining <br />state and federal air quality standards. Approval of the 2002 General Plan Update will <br />therefore require adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations. <br />16. The Draft EIR identified eleven potentially significant impacts that will be <br />reduced to insignificance with specified mitigation measures. Approval of the General <br />Plan Update will therefore require adoption of mitigation findings (Attachment 2) and a <br />Mitigation Monitoring Program (Attachment 5), which findings and Program are <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br />17. The Planning Commission held duly noticed public hearings on December <br />13, 2001 and January 10; February 14; and March 14, 2002 to receive comments on the <br />and the Draft EIR. Staff Reports dated December 13, 2001, and January 10; February 14; <br />and March 14, 2002 were prepared to describe and analyze the General Plan Update. <br />Public comment was received on the Draft General Plan and the DEIR at the public <br />hearings. The Planning Commission thereafter, on March 14, 2002, voted to recommend <br />approval of the General Plan Update to the City Council. <br />18. After close of the public review period for the Draft EIR, and close of the <br />Planning Commission public hearing, the City prepared responses to the comments <br />received on the Draft EIR together with proposed revisions to the Draft EIR based on <br />comments from staff, the public, the Board of Zoning Adjustment, and the Planning <br />Commission. The proposed responses to comments clarify and amplify the information <br />contained in the Draft EIR, providing good-faith, reasoned analysis supported by factual <br />information. The DEIR revisions and the comments and responses are contained in a <br />separately bound document, the Final EIR ("FEIR"), dated February, 2002. The <br />comments and responses were distributed to or otherwise made available to the Planning <br />Commission, City Council, responsible agencies, and other interested parties. Draft <br />responses were mailed to public agency commentors at least 10 days prior to certification <br />of the EIR. <br />19. On April 1, 2002, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to <br />receive comments on the Draft General Plan and FEIR, and to consider the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation on such documents. Public comment was received on the <br />Draft General Plan and DEIR at the public hearings. A staff report, dated April 1, 2002, <br />was prepared, containing analysis and recommendations on the documents. <br />3 <br />