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Appendix A <br />Scope of Work <br />City of San Leandro <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The City of San Leandro with Alameda County Industries intends to implement a <br />Residential Foodwaste Collection program, .The program will target pre and post <br />consumer foodwaste, soiled paper and other suitable compostable organic materials. <br />The foodwaste is to be collected with the residential greenwaste on a weekly basis. The <br />co-mingled material will be transferred to a designated composting facility permitted to <br />handle foodwaste. The designated composting facility shall be approved by the City of <br />San Leandro as being suitable to handle their material. The City of San Leandro agrees <br />to abide by the Residential Foodwaste Subsidy Guidelines adopted by the Authority <br />Board September 26, 2001. <br />PROJECT TEAM <br />The project team for this project consists primarily of the City of San Leandro, of <br />Alameda County Industries (ACI) and the Alameda County Waste Management <br />Authority and Source. Reduction and Recycling Board (Authority). <br />Roles <br />City of San Leandro is the contractor and is solely responsible for the implementation <br />of the terms of this agreement. <br />City of San Leandro will: <br />• Use the funding provided by this contract for the development and <br />distribution of residential foodwaste diversion education materials. <br />• Provide a line accounting of the funds used under this contracto <br />a Identify a contact person who will interact with the Authority staff for the <br />development of educational materials, survey and other program materials <br />that require Authority approval. <br />• Arrange to distribute educational and implementation materials. <br />• Coordinate with the Authority for follow-up activities which may include a <br />survey of resident participation and reactions. <br />• Arrange for monitoring of the program in the initial weeks of <br />implementation. Monitoring will include set-out rate for greenwaste only, <br />garbage and greenwaste &foodwaste mixed. <br />,~larneda Count~Industries Inc. is the hauler and will collect and compost (or arrange <br />for composting) the commingled greenwaste and foodwaste under a franchise service <br />agreement with San Leandro dated February 1, 200b. ACI will provide historical <br />greenwaste and garbage collection data to the Authority. ACI will provide during the <br />first six months of the program monthly tonnage reports, set out rate for both greenwaste <br />and garbage and foodwaste program participation data, as it is available. After six <br />