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months ACI will provide to the Authority and the City of San Leandro quarterly tonnage <br />reports, set out rate for greenwaste, garbage and foodwaste program participation data, <br />as it is available. <br />~'he Authority is the principal fonder of the City of San Leandro Residential Foodwaste <br />Diversion program. As fonder of the program the Authority will provide to the City <br />$10/single family residence receiving weekly greenwaste service. <br />The Authority will provide support for the Residential Foodwaste collection program <br />thorough staff time, coordination, and assistance to the staff of the City of San <br />Leandro. The Authority staff will wozk with City staff to assist with program <br />development and planning, outreach materials and program analysis. Additional <br />assistance maybe in the form of consultations, data gathering, reporting, media <br />development, review, other services within the capabilities of the Authority staff and <br />resource availability. <br />As principal fonder, the Authority retains the right of final approval over all <br />materials produced for the City of San Leandro Residential Foodwaste Diversion <br />program for the period of this contract. This right will be exercised with discretion <br />and in cooperation and coordination with City of San Leandro. Approval may not be <br />unreasonably denied. The approval extends to and includes any prepared press <br />releases, cart hangers, bill inserts, surveys, brochures, magnets, flyers, or other <br />media presentations which promote or report on the City of San Leandro Residential <br />Foodwaste Diversion program. This does not extend to media interviews. <br />Turnaround time for approval of media is seven working days or nine calendar days <br />from, the time of receipt by either ;3rian Mathews, Robin. Plutchok or Bruce Goddard. <br />FINAL PRODUCT OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO RESIDENTIAL <br />FOODWASTE DIVERSION PROGRAM <br />The final product of this project should include the following: <br />• A known quantity of material diverted from thelandfill. <br />• The destination of the material will be identified. <br />• A summary of the project implementation. <br />• A list of lessons learned and factors influencing success or failure of the <br />program. <br />A known level of resident participation far the period of the contract. <br />Participation is defined as: <br />- the number of residents setting out garbage cans with garbage in them <br />on the day service is provided; <br />- the number of residents setting out gzeenwaste carts with greenwaste in <br />them on the day service is provided; <br />- the number of residents setting out greenwaste carts with foodwaste in <br />them on the day of service. <br />A line accounting of the funds disbursed under this contract <br />ask i t: <br />1. A t.,etter from City of San Leandro requesting assistance <br />2, The number of Single Family Residences targeted by this program <br />