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Reso 2002-070
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2002-070
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9/23/2009 10:30:23 AM
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8/21/2009 4:13:05 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Site Use Potential <br />Accessibility <br />Describe the accessibility of the proposed site for the residents in the library service area: <br />Equal Access <br />Discuss the site's accessibility to all parts of the library service area and its location in relationship to the geographic center of <br />the library service area. Discuss any natural and artificial barriers that may impede access to the site. <br />The Manor Branch is located in the highly populated and growing Washington Manor neighborhood. It has the largest <br />neighborhood branch service area in the City with 28,093 residents. The service area consists of the area southwest of the I-880 <br />freeway and east of the Union Pacific Railroad line. The library is bounded to the east and south by a vibrant neighborhood <br />commercial district, and to the west and north by residential areas. There are no natural or artificial boundaries to impede access <br />to the branch by patrons in the library's service area. The branch is centrally-located, near a neighborhood commercial center, <br />banks, and small retail stores. The population is evenly distributed throughout the service area, mainly living in single-family <br />homes. <br />The neighborhood's isolation makes the branch even more important to its residents. The I-880 freeway separates the <br />neighorhood from the rest of the City. Limited street access between the service area and the rest of the City makes it difficult for <br />residents to travel outside of the area. Many branch patrons do not use the Main Library due to these geographic barriers and <br />consider the Manor Branch their primary library. <br />The branch location provides easy access by foot or bicycle as well as public transit, especially important to children <br />and seniors. Centrally-located to the surrounding schools, the Manor Branch is within walking distance to six public and three, <br />private schools. Two residential developments in the service area house seniors. Surveys conducted during the needs <br />assessment process indicate almost half of the patrons walk to the library. The surveys also indicate that over half of the branch <br />patrons do not use libraries other than the Manor Branch, further evidence that the branch location offers access to the majority <br />of residents in the service area. <br />The branch is located on Manor Boulevard, amajor east/west thoroughfare, and within 300 feet of Famsworth Street, a <br />major north/south thoroughfare. The facility is easily accessible from anywhere in the service area. <br />Public Transit Access <br />~- Number of public transit stops located within'/< mile of site: > 2 <br />If public transit is available in the library service area, describe the various public transit access opportunities for the site. If no <br />public transit is available in the library service area, enter "No Public Transit Service." <br />Public transit provides residents with easy access to the library. Two Alameda County (AC) Transit bus shelters are <br />located within 300 feet of the facility, just off the intersection of Manor Boulevard and Farnsworth Street, major neighborhood <br />thoroughfares. The branch is serviced by three bus lines (84, 36X, and SA) with 30 minute headways. Together, the buses on <br />these three lines make 73 taps each day and bring 2,258 passengers past Manor/Farnsworth. The AC Transit network provides <br />excellent transportation for residents to the Manor Community Branch Library as it connects to the service area by way of multiple <br />stops located within its boundaries. The buses also connect the service area to regional Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) lines. <br />The City, AC Transit, BART and East Bay Paratransit all provide public transportation to the elderly and disabled in the <br />community. These special services are provided to ensure that residents with limited mobility have a means to access various <br />public services, including library services. In the past, access to the Manor Community Branch Library was not included in this <br />service due to the restricted disability access available at the small existing facility. The new library will be ADA compliant and <br />therefore more suited to this public transportation service. <br />10 <br />
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