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Pedestrian & Bicycle Access <br />Describe other access opportunities such as pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths. Discuss plans for amount and location of <br />bicycle parking, including local ordinance requirements. <br />Needs assessment surveys and interviews conducted in 2001 revealed that nearly half of adult patrons walk or bicycle <br />to the library. Further, most students from the surrounding six public schools and three private schools routinely walk to the <br />Manor Branch either from school or their homes. More than half of the patrons who walked or bicycled to their branch libraries <br />did not use other libraries. This clearly indicates that pedestrian and bicycle access to the Manor Branch has been established <br />and iswell-utilized. <br />The City of San Leandro Bicycle Master Plan identifies both Famsworth Street and Manor Boulevard as Class III <br />bicycle routes. Both are utilized by bicyclists to access the Manor Community Branch Library. Bicycle parking has been <br />incorporated into the conceptual plan for the new branch and will be located on the west side of the proposed building. Three <br />bike racks for approximately 18 bicycles will be provided, based upon projected demand. Bike racks will be screened from the <br />main parking lot with shrubs but visible to the interior of the building for enhanced security <br />As the Manor Branch is located in a residential neighborhood, most library patrons come from their homes or from their <br />activities in the corner shopping area. Sidewalk access is extremely easy due to the residential nature of the area; sidewalks are <br />located directly adjacent to the Manor Branch and throughout the service area. Patrons will enter the new library from the main <br />west entrance and, during children's programs, the north pedestrian path entrance. <br />Automobile Access <br />Describe the site's accessibility by automobile for residents of the library service area. Take into consideration traffic, traffic <br />systems, and availability of curb cuts. <br />The Manor Community Branch Library is easily accessible by automobile from anywhere within the service area. The <br />branch iscentrally-located in the Washington Manor neighborhood, in the heart of the service area. It is also located within 300 <br />feet of the major neighborhood intersection of Manor Boulevard and Famsworth Street. Manor Boulevard is a major east/west <br />axis, and Famsworth Street spans the service area in a north/south direction. Traffic on these two streets is moderate during <br />peak commute times, and patrons of the library seldom experience delays in accessing the branch during most time periods of <br />the day or night. Traffic systems are adequate to ensure good vehicle flow. Two other major intersections in the area, <br />Lewelling/Famsworth and Manor/Wicks, serve as stop points along commuter routes through the neighbofiood and also serve <br />as routes to the Manor Branch. <br />The existing library has a driveway that is insufficient, with staff parking for only two vehicles. The proposed library will <br />have multiple curb cuts and an adequate parking lot with 32 parking spaces. The current facility does not provide for passenger <br />drop-off or visitor parking; the new library will provide a passenger drop-off area immediately adjacent to the library entry. This <br />area will be convenient for patrons with health issues, patrons returning books to the exterior book drop, families with children, <br />and others who require quick and easy access to the facility. Disabled parking stalls will be located closest to the main entrance. <br />Street parking will remain the same, with approximately 30 parking spaces within 500 feet of the building. <br />Proximity fo Manor Thoroughfares <br />List the major arterial routes in the library service area with the most recent traffic counts (number of vehicles per day): <br />Number of Blocks Traffic Count <br />Street Name from Site Count Date <br />1. > Manor Blvd. ~ Farnsworth St. 0 6,850 10/15/01 <br />2. > Manor Blvd. @ Wicks Blvd <br />3. > Lewelling Blvd. @Famsworth St. <br />7 <br />12,143 04/22/02 <br />17,746 04/22102 <br />4. > <br />11 <br />