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pick the 2 to 4 opportunity sites, depending upon the complexity and size of the sites, within the <br />identified nodes. These will form the basis for the Opportunity Site Development Concepts. <br />Streetscape Concepts <br />CD+A will lead the Team in defining Streetscape segments based on the land use, urban design, <br />Streetscape, and traffic analysis performed during Task 3. Streetscape design concepts will be <br />developed for each of the defined segments to provide prototypes for Streetscape improvements. <br />The Team proposes to develop 2 concepts for each of the segments to account for the possible <br />design of the BRT. These concepts will build from the earlier work undertaken by AC Transit in <br />the MIS process and will be initially formulated through discussions with AC Transit in Phase I. <br />An additional meeting with AC Transit will take place to review the initial concepts. One concept <br />will likely include the BRT in a dedicated lane (where it is being considered), while the second <br />concept will likely show improvements with the BRT sharing the street right-of--way. Plans and <br />sections will be used to communicate each concept and will identify such features as: width of <br />sidewalks, landscaping, pedestrian crossings, parking, etc. The Streetscape concepts may not <br />necessarily coincide with the land use segments, but improvements will interface with proposed <br />land uses as identified in the Land Use Concepts. <br />Opportunity Site Development Concepts <br />Following the interim meeting with City Staff and SAAC Meeting #4during which key <br />opportunity areas are identified, the CD+A Team will develop Concept Sketch Alternatives. Two <br />alternatives will be developed for each Opportunity Site. Plans and sections will illustrate <br />building siting and massing, use, parking and pedestrian access, site circulation, etc. To <br />accompany the concept plans, photographs of case study examples will be used to help illustrate <br />the concepts and land use summaries will provide quantitative information on the development <br />program. <br />At this point, the CD+A Team and City Staff will begin the process of creating the simulations by <br />picking key views that will best present the concepts. CD+A will then develop quick sketches to <br />illustrate future change. The photo-simulations will be prepared at a later phase of the project <br />during Task 6, but will be based on these views. <br />Work Products: <br />^ 21and use concepts per typological segment <br />^ 2 Streetscape concepts per typological street segment <br />^ 2 to 4 alternative opportunity site development concepts per opportunity site <br />^ up to 4 baseline photos of existing views to illustrate key views within each <br />opportunity site <br />^ 1 to 2 sketch illustrative vignettes per view <br />Task 4.2: Initial Implementation Goncepts <br />For this task, the CD+A Team will work with City Staff to develop a menulmatrix of <br />implementation concepts -both public and private -that identifies the various approaches that <br />could be used to achieve the development concepts identified in the preferred alternative. This <br />will include key subjects for zoning code amendments, development streamlining, financing <br />EXHIBIT A Page 8 of 14 <br />AGRir~ExHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />