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incentives, funding sources, joint development opportunities, etc. The menu/matrix would <br />identify the parties that would be responsible and broadly state the approach that could be used. <br />For example, <br />Goal: Reduce presence ofoff-street parking at Park & Rides <br />Measure: Pursue shared parking strategies <br />Parties: City, developers, AC Transit, BART, Caltrans, neighborhood groups <br />Preliminary Cast Estimates <br />In addition, conceptual cost estimates for streetscape improvements will be developed for the <br />portions of E 14`i' along the frontage of concept sites. Representative costs will be provided for <br />inclusion into the pro formas for key design elements (e.g., street furnishings, sidewalk <br />improvements, etc.). <br />Development Pro Formal <br />Strategic Economics will evaluate the financial feasibility of different development programs for <br />three to four selected sites. Drawing on the real estate market research performed for the general <br />market assessment (including discussions with local developers), as well as additional research <br />into local construction costs and likely financing terms, Strategic Economics will create pro <br />formal modeling potential revenues and costs for different development scenarios for each site. <br />Strategic Economies will then advise the consulting team, the City and the public as to the <br />viability of each development mix and building format, ensuring that whatever development <br />scenario is selected is marketable and will find financing. <br />Work Products: <br />^ Draft Implementation Concepts menu/matrix and memorandum. <br />^ Development Pro Forma Analysis for Opportunity Site Development Concepts. <br />Task 5: Review Design Concepts <br />Task 5.1: Community Workshop #2 <br />The second Community Workshop be hosted by the SAAC and will take place during one <br />evening or Saturday workshop beginning with the CD+A Team presenting the work developed <br />thus far. This will include the Land Use Concept plans, the Streetscape Concepts, and the <br />Opportunity Site Development Concepts. The illustrative vignettes and the case study photos will <br />accompany these in order to communicate the implications of the concepts in a more <br />understandable manner to the public. Through an intensive charrette process, invitees will be <br />asked to comment on the alternatives. <br />Following the presentation, attendees will be "break out" into groups. Group sizes and the <br />number of groups will depend on attendance at the Workshop. The CD+A Team and City Staff <br />will moderate the groups. Other CD+A Team members will also be available to answer questions. <br />Groups will convene at tables where they will be presented with the Land Use Alternatives, the <br />Streetscape Alternatives, and the Development Concept Alternatives for one Opportunity Site. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 4 of 14 <br />AGRE\EXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />