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Task 7: Staff Workshop and SAAC Meeting #6 <br />The CD+A Team will meet with City Staff in order to review the Draft Preferred Alternatives and <br />the refined implementation tools. The objective of this meeting is for City Staff to provide more <br />focused guidance in ordex for the CD-+-A Team and City Staff to begin developing the Initial Draft <br />Plan and to begin work on the Design Guidelines for presentation to the Planning Commission <br />and City Council. <br />Following this meeting, the Team will attend SAAC Meeting #6 to review the initial direction <br />resulting from the meeting with City Staff. <br />Work Products: <br />^ None <br />Task 8: Initial Draft Plan and Design Guidelines <br />Concepts <br />Following the Staff Workshop, the CD+A Team will move the Concept Plans forward by refining <br />them into an Initial Draft Preferred Plan. In conjunction to this effort, City Staff will begin work <br />on the design guidelines with assistance from CD+A. City Staff will be primarily responsible for <br />writing the bulk of the regulations (e.g., building setbacks, height, and bulk, streetscape <br />improvements, etc.); with CD+A providing review and guidance. CD+A will be responsible for <br />defining the overall community character and developing the architectural guidelines for both <br />new buildings and building rehabilitation. CD+A will also provide City Staff with illustrative <br />diagrams that communicate concepts developed by City Staff. <br />Work Products: <br />^ refined illustrations of the corridor wide land use concept. <br />^ Refined streetscape concepts. <br />^ Refined development concept drawings and illustrations. <br />^ Review and comment on the main guideline document. <br />^ Community character and architectural guidelines. <br />^ Refined implementation strategy. <br />^ Illustrative diagrams for Plan document. <br />Task 9: SAAC Meeting #7 <br />The CD+A Team will present the Initial Draft Plan and Design Guidelines Concepts to the SAAC <br />for their review and comment. This meeting will be attended by CD+A (Erickson and <br />Kronemeyer), SE (Belzer), and Fehr & Peers (Ridgway). <br />Work Products: <br />^ None. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 11 of 14 <br />AGRE\EXHBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />