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Task 11; Final Draft Plan <br />The Final Draft Plan will be completed on the basis of suggestions and input received during the <br />review process and according to final coordination with City staff. The Final Draft Plan will be <br />composed of a set of plan drawings, cross-sections, and photo-simulations, as well as a Draft <br />Final Report, which describes the overall plan, its key details, and how it meets the established <br />design and transportation objectives. City Staff will finalize the Design Guidelines with <br />assistance from CD+A. The CD+A Team will also work with City Staff to finalize the <br />Implementation Strategy. Written descriptions of the Land Use, Streetscape, and Opportunity Site <br />Development Concepts will be consolidated into a Final Draft Report. <br />Work Products: <br />^ Final Draft Land Use, Streetscape, and Opportunity Site Development Concepts. <br />^ Text and digital graphics for the Final Draft Design Guidelines and Implementation <br />Strategy with final document being prepared by City Staff. <br />^ Text and digital graphics for the Final Draft Report with final document being <br />prepared by City Staff. <br />Task 12: CEQA Review and Plan Adoption <br />Task 12.1: Public Hearings <br />This Task will be lead by City Staff. CD+A will be available to attend one Planning Commission <br />Public Hearing and one City Council Public Hearing. If a Joint RAC Meeting is required this will <br />be covered by Task 1.1 with the budget for attendance of CD+A Team members coming from the <br />contingency. <br />Work Products: <br />^ None <br />Task 12.2: Assist Staff with Final Plan Preparation <br />The CD+A Team will assist City Staff in the final plan preparation in malting revisions to the <br />concept plans, design guidelines, implementation strategies in response to the public hearings. <br />Work Products: <br />^ refined digital illustrations and recommended text revisions to Final Plan. <br />^ Plan document to be produced by City Staff. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 14 of 14 <br />ACRE\EXH[B1TA_~OC (Ward 6.0) <br />