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Agmt 2002 Community Design and Architecture
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Agmt 2002 Community Design and Architecture
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9/24/2009 12:12:44 PM
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8/21/2009 4:21:36 PM
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Reso 2002-072
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Task 3.3: Transportation and Parking Assessment <br />At the City Staff Work Session with Public Agencies CD+A will conduct interviews with AC <br />Transit, Caltrans, and Alameda County's Community Development Agency in order to <br />coordinate this process with the development of the BRT system, planning efforts being <br />undertaken by the county in the unincorporated areas to the south of the City, and other potential <br />projects that the agencies may be planning. Gaining an understanding of the future BRT system is <br />of particular importance, as its design will affect, amongst other factors, land use character; street <br />character, sidewalk and roadway widths, street improvements, and the identification of key nodes <br />along the Corridor. These conversations will provide the Team with an understanding of how <br />each agency's potential actions could affect the design of streetscape improvements and the types <br />of land uses appropriate along the Corridor. <br />CD+A will review current General Plan policies, zoning requirements, and other policies related <br />to parking requirements and transportation systems. CD+A, Fehr & Peers, and City Staff will <br />meet to discuss potential impacts of these policies on the opportunities and needs for the project. <br />Fehr & Peers previously evaluated existing and future (year 2015) transportation conditions on E <br />14`h as part of the San Leandro General Plan update process, including an analysis of the level of <br />service (LOS) at the intersections of E 14t~' with Hesperian Boulevard / Bancroft Avenue, San <br />Leandro Boulevard, Davis Street and Dutton Avenue. The expected conditions for 2015 assumed <br />development and improvements would occur as called for in the General Plan, and it is expected <br />that the development programs that will be proposed for the opportunity sites will be within the <br />range of land use change defined in the General Plan analysis. <br />The options being explored in this project will likely have a relationship to transportation <br />assessment at two levels, first in terms of the overall street design and BRT concepts, and second <br />in terms of the opportunity site studies. <br />In relation to the street design concepts, Fehr & Peers would ..qualitatively and quantitatively <br />(LOS) evaluate the impact of the proposed concepts for E 14`~ that could include Bus Rapid <br />Transit, reduced number of lanes for motor vehicles, streetscape improvements and other <br />improvements to benefit pedestrians and bicyclists at the following intersections: Hesperian <br />Boulevard / Bancroft Avenue and San Leandro Boulevard. Assessment of additional intersections <br />could be requested by the City and an optional budget per intersection is included in the budget <br />attachment. <br />In relation to the opportunity areas, Fehr & Peers will conduct a qualitative assessment of parking <br />supply and parking policies within the study corridor. (More detailed parking data maybe <br />collected by City of San Leandro staff, which would augment this analysis). This assessment <br />would include an inventory of off-street parking that would be displaced by proposed <br />development and recommendations to address potential neighborhood parking intrusion. It is our <br />understanding that the City does not want to consider neighborhood-parking permits, so solutions <br />will not consider this potential, but may include provision of short-term parking on side streets <br />for the depth of the parcel along East 14t'' Street and locations and costs of potential off street <br />parking supplies (possibly constructed from in-leau fees for sites that did not meet on-site parking <br />demand. <br />Additionally, it is likely to be necessary to review the potential impacts of the infill development <br />of the opportunity sites on the surrounding circulation network in relation to motorized vehicle, <br />pedestrian, and bicycle circulation. Fehr & Peers will conduct a qualitative assessment of capacity <br />EXHIBIT A Page 5 of 14 <br />AGRE~EXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />
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