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u <br /> <br />OWNER PARTICIPATION AND LOAN AGREEMENT <br />This Owner Participation and Loan Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into <br />effective as of ~,,~ ,; , 2009 (the "Effective Date") by and between Gavril <br />and Lavina Munteanu (the "Owner") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San <br />Leandro, a public body corporate and politic (the "Agency"). Agency and Owner are <br />hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties." <br />RECITALS <br />A. Owner is the owner of fee title to the property located at 1404 Washington <br />Ave in the City of San Leandro, known as Alameda County Assessor's Parcel No. 077 0545 <br />013 04 and more particularly described and depicted in Exhibit A, attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br />B. The Property is located within the Plaza Redevelopment Project Area (the <br />"Project Area") established pursuant to the redevelopment plan approved and adopted for <br />the Project Area by the City Council of the City of San Leandro by Ordinance No. 1295 N.S. <br />on December 28, 1960 99-025 (as subsequently amended, the "Redevelopment Plan"). <br />C. The Agency operates a Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program (the <br />"Program") pursuant to which the Agency provides loans for the rehabilitation of buildings <br />located in the Project Area. <br />D. Owner has requested, and Agency has agreed to provide a loan (the "Loan") <br />pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein for the purpose of installing water <br />service essential to repositioning the building owned by Owner and located on the Property, <br />all in accordance with Exhibit B attached hereto (the "Project"). <br />E. The Agency has determined that (i) the Property and the Project meet the <br />Program eligibility requirements, (ii) provision a loan for the Project pursuant to the terms of <br />this Agreement is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and the implementation plan <br />adopted in connection therewith, and is in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of <br />the residents of the Project Area and the City of San Leandro ("City"), and (iii) the Loan is <br />necessary to make the Project economically feasible. <br />F. Concurrently herewith Owner shall execute a promissory note (the "Note") in <br />the amount of the Loan, a Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and <br />Fixture Filing ("Deed of Trust") which shall provide Agency with a security interest in the <br />Property and the improvements located thereon (the "Improvements"), and a <br />Memorandum of this Agreement (the "Memorandum") which shall be recorded in the <br />Official Records of Alameda County. This Agreement, the Note, the Deed of Trust, and the <br />Memorandum are collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Loan Documents." <br />NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency <br />of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows. <br />1172237-2 <br />