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SLZUSD may at any time terminate this Agreement, for any reason in SLZUSD's sole <br />discretion, upon written notice to CITY. <br />XIII. LITIGATION: If any litigation is initiated to enforce or interpret this Agreement, the <br />prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. This Agreement shall be <br />governed by the laws of the Sate of California. <br />XIV. COMPLETENESS OF Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire <br />understanding of the parties ~Zd any changes shall first be agreed upon by means of <br />writing signed by both parties. <br />XV. EFFECTNE DATE AND SIGNATURE: The governing boards of the CITY and <br />SLZUSD have caused this Agreement to be executed, said Agreement to become <br />effective and operational upon the fixing of the last signature hereto. <br />City of San Leandro <br />Recreation and Human Services <br />San Lorenzo Unified School District <br />Name: Steve Hollister Name: Lowell Shira <br />Title: City Manager Title: Assistant Superintendent, <br />Business Services <br />Signed: Signed: <br />~, <br />Date: Date: ~~ ~~ <br />_,_ <br />