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8M Consent 2009 0908
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2009 0908
8M Consent 2009 0908
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9/4/2009 9:57:53 AM
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9/4/2009 9:57:53 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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APPENDIX "B" <br />Rules for Ridership on SLZUSD Buses <br />o Passengers must stay seated in the bus seat at all times when on the school bus and not <br />stand up to leave until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door is opened. <br />o Passengers must never walls towards the bus while the bus in approaching. Stay still <br />until the bus door opens. <br />o Passengers must keep their body out of the aisle and behind the seat back in front of <br />them. <br />o Passengers must talk quietly with only the other passengers seated next to them while <br />on the bus. Passengers must not yell or scream to others in or outside of the bus. <br />o Passengers are not allowed to eat food, chew gum or drink liquids while riding on the <br />bus. <br />o Passengers must not throw anything inside of the bus or out of the bus windows. <br />o Passengers must not put their hands, arms or heads outside of the windows of the bus. <br />o Passengers may not operate the windows unless they ask the bus driver. <br />o Passengers shall not cut or otherwise damage the seat coverings on the bus. <br />o Passengers shall not make marks with pencils, pens or other tools on any part of the <br />bus. <br />o Passengers shall not throw any objects on the bus. This can hurt another person and is <br />a distraction to the driver's attention to the road. <br />o Passengers shall not bring, consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while <br />on the bus or at school. <br />o Passengers shall not hit or otherwise touch in a harmful way any other person while on <br />the bus. <br />~ Passengers shall not make verbal threats or comments that would be threatening or <br />hurtful to any other person while on the bus. <br />a No weapons of any kind are allowed on the bus at any time. <br />Any damage done to any SLZUSD bus by any passenger of the CITY shall be charged to the <br />CITY. Failure to pay for damages will constitute a violation ofthe Agreement and shall be <br />grounds for cancellation of said Agreement. <br />-S- <br />
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