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Measure WW Ad Hoc Committee <br />Summary and Recommendation Page 2 May 11, 2009 <br />Anri16, 2009 <br />Engineering staff presented a more detailed proposed CIP parks project list which included the <br />February 28`" Council retreat exercise input. There was committee discussion about the ranking <br />process. There was discussion about the operational and maintenance costs of various projects. <br />Staff was directed to provide pool revenue/expenditure information; maintenance costs related to <br />parks; additional clarifying information related to the CIP list and semantics used. <br />The Committee recommended the following: <br />$250,000 for new park pathways this ycar; <br />$9$8,000 for Marina Park Picnic Area Renovations; <br />The balance of funds to he dedicated to the San Leandro Family Aquatic Center <br />Competitive Pool <br />There was a great deal of discussion on funding sources for all of the top 20 CIP projects. It was <br />determined that all of the City Council's top 20 projects, that are not proposed for Measure WW <br />funds, have potential funding sources other than WW. <br />There was also agreement that the scope of the Marina Picnic Area Renovations must be more <br />detailed as must the San Leandro Family Aquatic Center Competitive Pool in order to get a <br />tighter budget and clearer maintenance costs. <br />There was also discussion that the San Lorenzo Unified School District may have bond funds <br />that could be used in a Joint-Use project for the competitive pool, This was confirmed at the <br />April City/School Liaison Committee Meeting. <br />Directors Udemezue and Bakaldin did not attend the April 6 meeting <br />