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M~ UT~g Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Hillside Geologic Hazard Abatement District, and San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~Tuly 20, 2009 <br />loan. He stated that he was not in favor of eliminating curb-to-curb service, as it would <br />impose a burden on the City's elderly and disabled residents. <br />Councilmember Gregory stated support for Option #2. He echoed the concern <br />expressed by Councilmember Stephens regarding the need to maintain the City's streets. <br />He also indicated support for obtaining a loan from ACTIA. <br />Vice Mayor Starosciak noted that San Leandro will receive $900,000 in Local Street <br />and Road funding from Measure B, and $1.6 million from the American Recovery and <br />Reinvestment Act (ARRA). She added that $66,000 is a comparatively small amount. <br />Councilmember Stephens stated that the City needs $4-$6 million for its roads, and he <br />could not support a drawdown of Local Street and Road funds. He also opposed the <br />idea of borrowing money to fund the Shuttle program. <br />Councilmember Souza expressed support for Option #1. She requested clarification on <br />the ACTIA loan, and whether the loan could be paid back through savings from projects <br />that are awarded under budget. <br />Mr. Hollister indicated that while funds will be scarce in the next fiscal year, staff will <br />try to identify possible funding sources to maintain Shuttle service levels. <br />Public Comments on Item 10.C.: <br />Larry Arnold, San Leandro Auto Upholstery, addressed the City Council, <br />commenting that he has met Flex Shuttle riders through the senior meal program. Mr. <br />Arnold expressed concern that Flex Shuttle users have limited mobility, and need curb- <br />to-curb service. <br />JoAnn Silver, Bancroft Senior Center, addressed the City Council, stating that she <br />works for the food program. Ms. Silver commented that the seniors need the food, <br />exercise and socialization offered at the Senior Center, but would not be able to pay a <br />fee if one were imposed. Ms. Silver also commented on the need for curb-to-curb <br />service. She requested that the Council support Option #1. <br />Dan Swinbank, Eden Housing/Eden Lodge, addressed the City Council, commenting <br />that the Flex Shuttle is a lifeline for San Leandro seniors. Mr. Swinbank commented <br />that seniors are being impacted by the economy in all directions, and he requested that <br />the Council support maintaining the Shuttle service at its current level. <br />Nancy Besson, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, speaking in support <br />of the seniors that need the Shuttle service, but could not attend the meeting to advocate <br />for themselves. Ms. Besson expressed confidence in the Council's ability to spend City <br />dollars wisely. <br />End of Public Comments on Item 10.C. <br />