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FY2008-2009 CAPER -5- September 21, 2009 <br />to prevent homelessness. ECHO prevented five (5) households from being evicted, assisted two <br />(2) households to get into housing, and provided information and support counseling for eighty- <br />five (85) program applicants. <br />• Tenant/Landlord Counseling <br />Using CDBG funds, the City contracted with ECHO Housing for landlord/tenant counseling <br />services to help maintain people in housing. Information and referral services were provided to <br />6871andlords and tenants from 312 households. In FY 2008-09, ECHO handled ninety-two (92) <br />cases related to eviction and succeeded in preventing four (4) households from being evicted. <br />Staff also assisted with one (1) retaliation case, fifty-nine (59) landlord/tenant inquiries related to <br />repairs, thirty-three (33) cases regarding security deposits, twelve (12) instances involving rent <br />increases, and eleven (11) occurrences of unlawful entry by a landlord. There were also 128 <br />miscellaneous inquiries (e.g., noise, neighbor disputes, parking, etc.). ECHO staff, furthermore, <br />assisted eight (8) households with conciliation/mediation services, and four (4) of these cases <br />were resolved. Lastly, staff referred sixty (60) households, or sixty-nine (69) persons, to small <br />claims court and forty-seven (47) households, or thirty-eight (38) persons, to other appropriate <br />agencies. <br />• Davis Street Family Resource Center <br />Using Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside Funds, the City contracted with DSFRC for special <br />housing services referring clients to rental opportunities in the City, including existing City <br />below-market rate (BMR) units. These services aim to prevent those currently housed from <br />becoming homeless. An average of twenty (20) callers a week inquired about housing assistance <br />and the availability of affordable rental units. DSFRC staff assisted four (4) clients to enroll in <br />waiting lists for BMR properties in San Leandro. An additional six (6) assisted clients found <br />housing in non-BMR properties located in the neighboring cities. DSFRC continued to maintain <br />its close relationship with Building Futures with Women & Children (BFWC) by providing <br />supportive services, such as housing searches, employment counseling, emergency shelter, and <br />clothing, to twenty (20) BFWC clients. DSFRC also sent updated BMR vacancy or waiting list <br />information to BFWC to keep them informed of affordable housing opportunities for their <br />clients. <br />Priority: Build on inter-jurisdictional cooperation and further coordination and <br />improvement of the Homeless Continuum of Care System. <br />• After ten years of coordinating local efforts to address homelessness, the Alameda County- <br />wide Continuum of Care Council transferred its responsibilities to Everyone Home and <br />celebrated its final meeting in November 2008. Everyone Home is the community-based <br />organization formed to coordinate the implementation of the Everyone Home Plan (formerly <br />known as the Alameda County Homeless and Special Needs Housing Plan). The Everyone <br />Home Plan is a comprehensive blueprint to end homelessness, including chronic <br />homelessness by the year 2020, and address the housing needs of extremely low income <br />persons living with serious mental illness and or HIV/AIDS. <br />• As of June 30, 2009, the Plan has been adopted by the County and thirteen (13) cities. <br />Piedmont will consider adoption this September. In addition, fifty-four (54) community based <br />organizations have also endorsed the Everyone HOME Plan and are participating in <br />implementation strategies along with the cities and county government. <br />