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of Berkeley and Oakland, housing developers, service providers, faith and business leaders, <br />advocates and consumers. Everyone Home has five (5) active committees with a total member of <br />over 100 people representing dozens of government and non-profit agencies. Everyone Home <br />receives administrative funding through Alameda County's General Fund as well as contributions <br />from Alameda County's jurisdictions, individuals and foundations. <br />As of June 30, 2009, the Plan has been adopted by the County and thirteen (13) cities. Piedmont <br />will consider adoption this September. In addition, fifty-four (54) community based organizations <br />have also endorsed the Everyone HOME Plan and are participating in implementation strategies <br />along with the cities and county government. <br />County-wide activities during this fiscal year included: <br />• In November 2008 Everyone Home released its first progress report toward the achievement <br />of the system-wide outcome of placing 15,000 homeless households into permanent housing <br />over the life of the Plan. In fiscal years 2006-2008, 950 households were placed into <br />permanent housing. Also Everyone Home partners have created 5I2 housing opportunities <br />since the launch of the Plan-132 built units and 380 permanent rental subsidies. <br />In January 2009 Everyone Home conducted the County's bi-annual, point in time Homeless <br />Count. Nearly 200 volunteers went to twenty-seven (27) service sites across the county and <br />spoke with 1,251 people to learn about their housing status and other service needs. The data <br />findings were released at a July 9, 2009 press conference. The literally homeless, those <br />staying in shelters, transitional housing, the streets, or other places not meant for human <br />habitation has dropped by 10% since 2007, from 4,831 to 4,341. The drop in the chronic <br />homeless was even better, ] 8% since 2007, from 1,257 to 1,026. The chronically homeless <br />are unaccompanied, disabled adults who have been homeless 12 months or more or four <br />times within the last three years. The count also revealed a 168°/o increase in the hidden <br />homeless, those who are living temporarily with friends or relatives, or in a motel that do not <br />have the resources to move into housing or are within 7 days of an eviction. That number <br />nearly tripled from 1,134 to 3,042. The Count methodology allowed for capturing the hidden <br />homeless as well as the literally homeless. And it enabled us to break data out by geographic <br />regions as well as the entire county. For more detailed information on the Count visit the <br />website at <br />The biggest project of Everyone Home in this fiscal year as been the coordination of <br />planning for the implementation of the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing funds <br />made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Six (6) jurisdictions <br />in Alameda County received direct allocations totaling $7.5 million dollars, and five (5) <br />cities also applied to the state for an additional $4.7 million over three years. These funds <br />will allow Everyone Home partners to implement acounty-wide homelessness prevention <br />and rapid rehousing program for the first time ever. The program design calls for the <br />creation of regional Housing Resource Centers where individuals and families with a housing <br />crisis can receive financial assistance that will enable them to keep their housing or rapidly <br />regain housing if they are already homeless. Centers will be based in Fremont, San Leandro, <br />Livermore, two in Oakland, and Berkeley. The centers are scheduled to open and begin <br />serving people in October, 2009. <br />Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2008-2009 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page ] 1 <br />