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Other social services providers were also awarded in FY 08-09 CDBG Capital Improvement <br />Project (GIP) loans. However, these facility improvements were postponed for different reasons. <br />Building Futures with Women & Children (BFWC) focused on obtaining other funds (such <br />EHAPCD funds) to leverage the FY 08-09 CDBG funds from the City it plans to use to <br />rehabilitate its domestic violence shelter. Bay Area Community Services (BAGS) also focused <br />on securing other construction funding (such EHAPCD funds and Alameda County HCD CDBG <br />funds), and therefore, postponed its CDBG-funded ADA accessibility renovation at its crisis <br />center Woodroe Place. Lastly, Spectrum Community Services has experienced delays in <br />obtaining the site that will be used to build the centralized kitchen it is proposing. Spectrum has <br />indicated that progress is being made towards locating a different site. <br />Objective: Provide Economic Opportunity <br />Priority # ll. Support economic development. <br />Activities: <br />• Other Activities <br />The Oakland/San Leandro Joint Revitalization Plan includes five (5) components: <br />I) Commercial Revitalization; 2) Employment; 3) Neighborhood Appearance; 4) Inter- <br />jurisdictional Cooperation; and 5) Airport Area Improvements. On February 2, 2009, City <br />Council accepted the completed work, which includes a continuous central median with <br />openings for left turns at intersecting streets, ornamental street lights on the median, the <br />installation of palm trees along the sidewalk, at the Doolittle Drive portion (98th Ave. -Davis <br />St.). No HUD funds were allocated to this project in FY 2008-09. <br />Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2008-2009 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page ]7 <br />