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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 5 <br />September 21, 2009 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br /> Pass to print <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2009-131 <br />C., Resolution Approving the State Route (SR) 238 Hayward <br />Bypass Local Alternative Transportation Improvement Program (LATIP) Project List <br />(provides for the approval of the Financially Unconstrained LATIP Project List that was <br />a prioritized list of state highway projects in the I-238, I-880, and I-580 corridors that <br />can be constructed in the next 5 to 10 years). (3121) <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2009-132 <br />D., Resolution of Award of Contract to Spencon Construction, <br />Inc. for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Ramps 2009-2010, Project No. 09-165- <br />43-216 (recommends award to the lowest bidder, Spencon Construction, Inc., for <br />$298,700). Bids opened on August 18, 2009. (3162) <br /> <br /> <br /> 9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br /> <br />8.B. An Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 4-19 of the San Leandro Municipal Code to <br />Add New Sections 4-19-135, 4-19-140, 4-19-145, and 4-19-150 Relating to Rules and <br />Regulations for Use of the Wes McClure Boat Launch Ramp at the San Leandro Marina <br />(establishes citation authority for vehicles in violation of the fee for launch permits). <br /> <br />Councilmember Prola commented that he spent a lot of time at the Marina this past <br />summer, and he noticed that most of the boat launch permit violators are from out of <br />town. He stated that he would like to see the citation amount set at $50, rather than the <br />proposed $36. <br /> <br />Public Works Services Director Mike Bakaldin indicated that the fee increase would be <br />brought forward for consideration at the October 5, 2009 City Council meeting. <br /> <br /> Minute Order No. 2009-039 <br />, Motion to Direct Staff to Set the Fine for Violation <br /> <br />of Boat Launch Permit Requirement at $50.00. (1413/2318) <br /> <br />The City Council directed staff to set the fine for violation of boat launch <br />permit requirement at $50.00. <br /> <br />M/S/C Prola and Souza. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br /> Ordinance No. 2009-008 <br />, an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 4-19 of the <br />San Leandro Municipal Code to Add New Sections 4-19-135, 4-19-140, 4-19- <br />145, and 4-19-150 Relating to Rules and Regulations for Use of the Wes McClure <br />Boat Launch Ramp at the San Leandro Marina (establishes citation authority for <br /> <br />vehicles in violation of the fee for launch permits). (1413) <br /> <br /> <br />