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Homelessness Prevention and Re-housing 5 October 5, 2009 <br />Program Plan MOU <br />and tenants on their housing rights and responsibilities; and, referrals to attorneys when <br />conciliation is not possible. A housing clinic will be established at ECHO's site. <br />Analysis <br />Benefits from the City's involvement with BFWC's $1.5 million HPRP grant and the Mid- <br />County HRC include: <br />• Participating in a coordinated countywide system homeless prevention system <br />makes assistance readily accessible for eligible City residents in crisis by reducing <br />their burdens in seeking/receiving needed assistance. <br />• Participating in a regional homeless prevention and rapid re-housing model <br />program helps fulfill the City's HUD Five Year Consolidated Plan housing, goals of <br />expanding services for homeless individuals and families, expanding activities to <br />prevent those currently housed from becoming homeless, and building on inter- <br />jurisdictional cooperation to achieve housing and homeless needs. <br />• Fulfillment of Housing Element goals related to fair housing and assisting <br />individuals and families with special needs. <br />• Having ~nancial assistance funds to help stabilize the most vulnerable housing <br />situations, house homeless individuals/families and support homelessness preventions, <br />particularly during the current extreme economic downturn. <br />• Successful outcomes will hopefully lead to San Leandro becoming an entitlement <br />grantee for future Hearth Act funds. [Note: Passage of the HEARTH Act in 2009 by <br />Congress means that Continuum of Care resources will be available in the future for <br />prevention and re-housing activities, and these will be channeled to the Housing <br />Resource Centers to continue their activities.] <br />• Economies of scale in program/service delivery through collaboration with other <br />governmental bodies and experienced nonprofits. <br />• Using uniform countywide common tools, standards and practices such as a <br />screening questionnaire, assessment tool, financial assistance standards, and a client <br />individualized housing and service plan help to streamline client services for local and <br />other HRC service providers. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Not applicable <br />Previous City Council Action <br />On November 20, 2006, the City Council adopted Everyone Home's countywide 15-year <br />plan to end chronic homelessness. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />On September 10, 2009, the Business Development Committee reviewed the Homelessness <br />Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) Plan's proposal to create a regional <br />Housing Resource Center to provide housing stabilization and financial assistance services to <br />homeless individuals and families and those at risk of homelessness. <br />