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Homelessness Prevention and Re-housing 6 October 5, 2009 <br />Program Plan MOU <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The current Administrative Draft of the Housing Element of the General Plan contains several <br />policies applicable to the HPRP Plan: <br />Goal 58: Special Needs Populations -Proactively address the special housing needs of the <br />community, including seniors, disabled individuals, single parents, large families, and the <br />homeless. <br />Policy 58.07: Extremely Low Income Persons -Continue programs that meet the <br />needs of extremely low income persons (defined as 30 percent or less of the area-wide <br />median), including the Section 8 voucher and certificate program. Explore other <br />programs that create additional capacity for the working poor and other extremely low <br />income households who cannot find adequate housing in the local marketplace. <br />Policy 58.08: Assistance to Homelessness Residents -Continue to support programs <br />that prevent or end homelessness in the Bay Area. Work with local non-profits, other <br />public agencies, and community organizations to provide food, shelter, rapid re- <br />housing, and other services to men, women, and children who are homeless, at risk of <br />becoming homeless, or transitioning out of homelessness. <br />Action 58.08-A: Assistance to Homeless Service Providers <br />Continue to provide financial support to Building Futures with Women and <br />Children's San Leandro Shelter and domestic violence shelter, the Davis Street <br />Family Resource Center, and similar organizations assisting the homeless and <br />persons at risk of becoming homeless. Appropriate organizations to fund <br />include those that provide emergency shelter, case management, hot meals and <br />groceries, motel vouchers, medical care, adult literacy, and other services <br />which assist those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. <br />Policy 58.09: Ending Homelessness -Develop local strategies with community <br />stakeholders to provide permanent supportive housing for the homeless, people at risk <br />of homelessness, and others with special needs. <br />Action 58.09-A: Everyone Home - Develop a local implementation strategy for <br />the Alameda County Everyone Home program. Everyone Home is the <br />community-based organization formed to implement the Alameda County <br />Homeless and Special Needs Housing Plan (also known as the Everyone <br />Home Plan). The Plan is a comprehensive blueprint to end homelessness by <br />2020 and address the housing needs of homeless and extremely low income <br />persons and those living with serious mental illness and/ or HIV/ AIDS. The <br />San Leandro City Council has adopted the Everyone Home Plan and made a <br />commitment to develop a strategy to implement it at the local level in the <br />coming years. This could entail additional efforts to prevent homelessness, <br />increase local housing opportunities for extremely low income households, <br />deliver additional services to support stability and independence, and provide <br />technical and financial assistance to organizations that assist those who are <br />