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Homelessness Prevention and Re-housing 7 <br />Program Plan MOU <br />October 5, 2009 <br />homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It also includes ongoing City <br />participation in Everyone Home meetings to enhance coordination with other <br />jurisdictions and social service agencies. <br />Policy 58.10: Immigrant Households -Work with community groups, including faith- <br />based and nonprofit organizations, to provide outreach on housing resources to <br />immigrant households and others with limited English language abilities. Local <br />housing programs should respond to the needs of a culturally diverse community that <br />includes multi-generational families, a variety of living arrangements, and a large <br />number ofnon-English speaking households. <br />Policy 58.11: Service-Enriched Housing -Promote social services and programs in <br />affordable housing projects that assist lower-income households in obtaining the <br />financial resources needed to increase and stabilize their housing choices in the City. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not applicable. <br />Environmental Review <br />Not applicable. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable. <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />Not applicable. <br />Summary Of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Not applicable. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The City may be eligible for up to approximately $64,000 in HPRP funds over the next three <br />years for staff time involved in implementing the Mid-County HRC. City staff will also be <br />providing in-kind funding to BFWC through technical assistance and administrative support <br />for implementation of HPRP in San Leandro. <br />Budget Authority <br />The use of HPRP funds are authorized under the federal American Recovery and <br />Reinvestment Act of 2009. <br />Attachments <br />None <br />