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8D Consent 2009 1005
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2009 1005
8D Consent 2009 1005
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Last modified
10/2/2009 9:00:16 AM
Creation date
10/2/2009 9:00:15 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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_CC Agenda 2009 1005
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Reso 2009-135
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REMOVAL AND RELOCATION <br />11. MCI shall remove or relocate, without cost or expense to City, any Fiber Optic <br />Network Facilities installed, used, operated and maintained under this Agreement if and when <br />made necessary by any lawful change of grade, aligrunent or width of any street, including the <br />construction, maintenance or operation of any underground subway or viaduct by City and/or the <br />construction, maintenance or operation of any other City underground or aboveground facilities. <br />In the event all or any portion of said Public Right-of--Way occupied by said Fiber Optic <br />Network Facilities shall be needed by City or in the event the existence of said Fiber Optic <br />Network Facilities shall be detrimental to governmental activities, including but not limited to, <br />interference with City construction projects, or is in conflict vertically and/or horizontally with <br />any proposed City installation, MCI shall remove and relocate said Fiber Optic Network <br />Facilities to such other location or locations on said Public Right-of--Way as rna~ be agreed to by <br />parties. Said removal or relocation shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) days of <br />notification by City. In the event said Fiber Optic Network Facilities are not removed or <br />relocated within one hundred twenty (120) days after said notification, City may cause the same <br />to be done at the sole expense of MCI. <br />12. If any portions of the Fiber Optic Network Facilities covered under this <br />Agreement are no longer used by MCI, or are abandoned for a period in excess of six (6) months, <br />MCI shall notify City and shall either promptly vacate and remove the Facilities at its own <br />expense or, with City's approval, may abandon some or all of the Facilities in place. After such <br />removal or abandonment, MCI shall have no further obligations to the City. <br />13. When removal or relocation are required under this Agreement, MCI shall, after <br />the removal or relocation of the Fiber Optic Network Facilities, at its own cost, repair and return <br />the Public Right-of--Way or public utility or service easements on which the Facilities were <br />located to a safe and satisfactory condition in accordance with the construction-related conditions <br />and specifications as established by City according to its standard practice. Should MCI remove <br />the Fiber Optic Network Facilities from the Public Right-of--Way, MCI shall, within ten (10) <br />days after such removal, give notice thereof to City specifying the Public Right-of--Way affected <br />and the location thereof as well as the date of removal. Before proceeding with removal or <br />relocation work, MCI shall obtain a street excavation permit from the City. <br />ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND FEES <br />14. MCI shall apply for an Encroachment Permit for all work and each job within the <br />Public Right-of--Way. MCI shall furnish detailed plans of the work and other such information as <br />required by the Engineering and Transportation Department Director and shall pay all <br />processing, field marking, engineering and inspection fees prior to issuance of a permit in <br />accordance with the rate in effect at the time of payment. MCI shall submit a traffic control plan <br />for approval to the Engineering and Transportation Department, Traffic Engineering Division. <br />MCI shall also submit, when applicable, a copy of MCPs Caltrans pernlit to the Engineering and <br />Transportation Department Director. Said improvements shall be constructed and installed in <br />accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department Director, the San Leandro Standard Specifications and Details, and as further <br />Encroachment Agreement Page 5 of 12 <br />Rev: ll/30/94, 11/13/95 <br />
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