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The Committee discussed the program and inquired into how it was funded and how it would <br />be advertised. Business Development Manager Battenberg explained that the program was <br />funded out of Redevelopment tax increment funding and a mailing would be sent out all <br />eligible businesses. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Update of Planned Zoning Code Amendments <br />Planning Manager Livermore provided the Committee with an update regarding the Zoning <br />Code Amendments currently being explored by Planning staff (see attached memo). <br />Livermore explained that these updates are designed to clear up internal contradictions in the <br />code, comply with state law and address issues raised by the City Council. Staff is currently <br />planning to take the first of the amendments to the Planning Commission and City Council <br />this fall. <br />The Committee had a lengthy discussion regarding the proposed Zoning Code Amendments <br />and the effects they may have. They expressed particular concern over allowing urban <br />agriculture within the City limits and allowing Flea Markets to be conditionally permitted in <br />large industrial buildings. The Committee directed staff to not move forward with either of <br />these Zoning Code Amendments. <br />3. Update on Development Projects <br />a. Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Pro rg am: Housing Specialist Hom <br />updated the Committee on it's recent homeless prevention activity. Hom explained that <br />in August, while the City Council was in recess, the City in conjunction with Building <br />Futures with Women and Children (BFWC) applied fora $1.5 million grant from the <br />state Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) funds. <br />If the State approves the grant the funds will be used to coordinate and implement a <br />county-wide, integrated HPRP service system and establish a Mid County Housing <br />Resource Center at the Davis Street Resource Family Center (DSFRC). <br />To leverage HPRP funds, the Redevelopment Agency will provide $20,000 to DSFRC to <br />support affordable rental housing placement activities. <br />b. Outdoor Furniture: Business Development Manager Battenberg informed the Committee <br />that the outdoor furniture for Tapioca Express has arrived and is being utilized. Agency <br />staff has been working with the restaurant owners surrounding the new Joaquin Plaza to <br />create desirable outdoor dining areas. To date, staff has assisted Los Pericos Taqueria, <br />Tapioca Express and Sergio's to select quality furniture and umbrellas. The Agency will <br />be contributing up to 50% of the cost of this furniture through the Facade Improvement <br />Program, as well as assisting the business owners in acquiring the necessary permits. <br />The furniture for Los Pericos has been shipped and should arrive very soon, however <br />Sergio's Pizzeria will hold off on installing its outdoor furniture until next spring. <br />