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Whereas, walking is a fun and enjoyable activity, low-cost, and one of the <br />easiest ways a person can increase his or her physical fitness, and <br />Whereas, increasing the numbers of adults and students who walk instead of <br />drive whenever possible also has benefits to the environment by cutting down <br />on traffic congestion and air pollution, and <br />Whereas, a lack of physical activity plays a leading role in rising rates of <br />obesity, diabetes and other health problems among children and being able to <br />walk or bicycle to school offers an opportunity to build activity into daily <br />routine, and <br />Whereas, an important role for parents and caregivers is to teach children <br />about pedestrian safety and become aware of the difficulties and dangers that <br />children face on their trip to school each day and the health and environmental <br />risks related to physical inactivity and air pollution, and <br />Whereas, hundreds of children could be saved each year if communities take <br />steps to make pedestrian safety a priority, and <br />Whereas, children, parents and community leaders around the world are <br />joining together to walk to school and evaluate walking and bicycling <br />conditions in their communities; <br />Now Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Superintendent and the Board of <br />Education of the San Leandro Unified School District proclaim October 7, <br />2009, as "International Walk to School Day" in San Leandro, California and <br />encourage everyone to consider the health and safety of children this day and <br />every day throughout the year. <br />Passed and adopted by the Governing Board of the San Leandro Unified <br />School District on the 15th of September 2009. <br />a <br />Mike Katz -Lac , President Christine Lim, Superintenden <br />