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City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee <br />September 17, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Santos inquired the cost of the proposed Crossing Guard Program. Superintendent Lim <br />quoted $56,000 as the annual cost of the program. A discussion ensued. <br />Mayor Santos stated that children's safety is important in both local school districts serving San <br />Leandro. Councilmember Reed inquired as to how many guards were needed for the SLUSD. <br />Superintendent Lim responded that 13 crossing guards are the norm, but with the budget deficit, <br />crossing guards were recently down to seven. A discussion ensued. <br />Public Comments: One parent stated the point to "quickly" get something into place for the <br />crossing guards, as she had witnessed numerous "near misses" in front of schools. Another <br />parent also commented he witnessed a "near hit" at a school, and wants to form a Sub - <br />Committee on this issue and hoped members of the City Council and School Board would join <br />the panel. <br />Ms. Cody offered contact information for AAA, which may have a support student safety <br />program that may be able to give crossing guard assistance. A discussion ensued regarding <br />current traffic safety measures at the City's schools. Councilmember Reed suggested that <br />perhaps drivers be more educated as to children's safety in San Leandro. Chief Willis stated that <br />traffic violations at the City schools are continually enforced. Mayor Santos suggested that the <br />City Manager, the SLUSD Superintendent and the SLzUSD Superintendent work out an amiable <br />solution to the crossing guard issue. A discussion ensued. <br />1. Discussion Regarding Smoking Restrictions Near School Properties <br />City Manager Hollister introduced Kathy Omelas, the City's Community Relations <br />Representative, who gave a short presentation on the State's increased smoking restrictions at all <br />school properties — a 300 foot parameter. Superintendent Lim stated that the District does <br />comply with the State guidelines. Ms. Ornelas asked for the District's smoking restrictions <br />language so the City can adjust its ordinance language. She also stated that no additional signage <br />will be posted, but that new educational outreach will be distributed (handouts attached). <br />Superintendent Lim stated that the District would provide the guidelines to Ms. Ornelas. <br />2. Discussion Regarding School Involvement with 2010 Census <br />Mayor Santos declared that he was the City's Chief Official for the upcoming 2010 Census. <br />Ms. Ornelas stated that households should begin to receive their census form in March 2010 and <br />that a goal of a 100 percent complete count is hoped for. She added that some households may <br />be difficult to count, due to unconventional housing and non -documented residents. She <br />announced that in January 2010, District students will be given census information to take home. <br />A discussion ensued. <br />3. Discussion Regarding San Leandro Education Foundation (SLED) <br />City Manager Hollister introduced Deborah Cox of the San Leandro Education Foundation <br />(SLED). Ms. Cox gave an update on the most recent SLED activities and events. She gave an <br />